2013년 10월 26일 토요일

Nilda Whitsitt's blog ::UMN Intl: Mosque near Ground Zero of the former World Trade Centre New York USA

Nilda Whitsitt's blog ::UMN Intl: Mosque near Ground Zero of the former World Trade Centre New York USA

I               was               up               to               my               typical               commercial               trolling               watching               advertisements               from               such               radio               stations               as               WBLS,               WABC               and               of               course               those               old               Crazy               Eddie               commercials               when               I               came               across               an               ad               for               the               World               Trade               Center               Observation               Deck.

The               commercial               starts               off               at               the               base               of               the               twin               towers,               then               pans               up               to               the               sky               and               shows               a               couple               visiting               New               York               for               the               first               time,               getting               off               at               the               observation               deck               and               seeing               New               York               "the               way               only               fliers"               were               accustomed               to.

Only               from               the               observation               deck               could               you               see               the               entire               tri-state               area,               was               the               implication,               and               in               what               must               have               been               1980,               (could               have               been               later               just               felt               like               it               must               have               been               1980)               the               10               year               old               towers               were               still               in               their               adolescence;               while               there               was               a               lot               of               controversy               surrounding               them,               they               still               offered               yet               another               magical               gem               that               is               the               genius               of               urban               planning               in               New               York.

It               isn't               that               New               York               has               the               high               buildings,               or               it's               urban               density               that               makes               it               so               great;               plenty               of               other               cities               around               the               world               dwarf               New               York               City               in               population               and               it's               urban               density               pales               in               comparison               to               other               metropolitan               areas,               but               the               straightforward               beauty               of               the               way               the               urban               landscape               has               taken               place               that               makes               it               great.

What               other               city               has               the               Brooklyn               Bridge,               the               tri-state               area,               an               extensive               subway               system               that               makes               use               of               tunnels               and               bridges               almost               exclusively,               never               to               see               the               ground,               and               of               course               Central               Park?

What               other               city               has               Park               Avenue,               Chinatown,               the               Garment               District,               7th               Avenue               and               of               course               Times               Square,               42nd?

Every               city               has               it's               own               unique               identity,               and               while               other               cities               have               tall               buildings,               cities               like               New               York,               Chicago,               L.A.,               Atlanta,               have               their               own               unique               identity,               their               own               feel               that               separates               them               from               other               cities.

The               commercial               is               very,               very               eerie;               in               fact               the               idea               that               30               years               after               the               fact,               when               the               novelty               of               the               Twin               Towers               should               have               passed,               advertisers               were               still               using               every               opportunity               to               include               the               Twin               Towers               in               at               least               one               frame               of               the               commercial               is               a               testament               to               the               relationship               that               everyone               had               with               them.

You               were               hard               pressed               to               find               a               movie               that               didn't               make               some               use               of               the               sheer               presence               of               the               Twin               Towers               somehow;               if               you               were               from               New               York,               and               they               weren't               in               the               shot,               you               knew               when               they               were               somewhere               close               by.

Take               a               look               at               the               "banned"               trailer               for               Spiderman,               which               was               taken               out               of               circulation               in               the               U.S.

and               tell               me               you               cannot               get               a               feel               for               the               convoluted               relationship               America               had               with               the               building.
               The               trailer               culminates               in               the               apprehension               of               a               helicopter               used               in               the               robbery               being               suspended               between               the               towers,               which               was               genius,               and               one               of               the               better               uses               of               the               towers,               yet               they               wouldn't               show               it               for               obvious               reasons.

I'm               not               entirely               sure               it               would               have               been               as               disturbing               as               they               thought               though,               I               am               not               saddened               seeing               this,               a               bit               intrigued               even.

The               towers               were               supposed               to               be               an               architectural               statement               about               what               happens               when               capitalism               works,               as               well               as               a               statement               about               the               success               of               the               U.S.

in               general,               for               that               time.

Yet               in               a               short               period               of               time,               31               years,               the               towers               were               destroyed;               the               irony               of               which               can               be               found               in               some               advertisements               that               were               still               running               all               the               way               up               to               the               date               that               it               happened,               in               fact               you               can               find,               if               you               look               hard               enough,               a               commercial               that               shows               a               plane               crashing               through               a               building               advertising               what               seems               to               be               a               German               access               code               for               cheap               long               distance.

It               seems               to               be               a               coincidence,               and               yet               it               reminds               me               how               many               other               times               the               idea               of               running               an               airplane               through               a               building,               without               consequences,               seemed               to               be               the               norm               in               those               days.
               The               World               Trade               Center               had               become               synonymous               with               New               York               City               and               an               easy               way               to               describe               it,               for               better               or               worse.

Those               towers               oversimplified               the               aspect               of               tall               buildings               in               New               York               City               and               what               they               meant               to               the               identity               of               the               city,               and               served               as               a               metaphor               to               the               rest               of               the               world               as               to               what               the               United               States               was               about.

In               fact,               were               it               not               for               the               WTC,               would               the               rest               of               the               world               have               been               inclined               to               build               skyscrapers               that               now               dwarf               what               the               Trade               Center               would               have               been               if               it               were               still               standing               today?

Almost               every               democratic               nation               has               a               tall               building               that               in               some               ways               serves               to               make               that               same               statement               that               the               Trade               Center               did               here               in               America.
               Ironically,               my               obsession               with               the               late               seventies               and               eighties;               the               innocence,               the               freedom,               the               simplicity,               ended               with               the               trailer               of               Spiderman.

Quite               honestly,               after               getting               past               the               Y2K               bug               I               felt               as               though               we               were               invincible,               untouchable,               and               that               life               would               continue               on               the               way               that               it               did.

I               just               assumed               that               the               21st               century               would               be               an               extension               of               the               nineties               the               way               previous               generations               ushered               in               a               slow               transition               for               years,               with               the               exception               of               perhaps               the               sixties,               but               that               was               before               my               time.

They               will               eventually               build               the               Freedom               Towers,               and               incorporate               greenspace               into               the               design               of               the               site,               which               you               couldn't               have               done               when               the               towers               were               originally               built               because               that               aesthetic               was               so               anti-New               York.

Though               these               days               times               have               changed,               greenspace               is               more               of               a               priority               because               of               the               way               that               the               environment               has               changed               and               while               it               will               not               totally               transform               the               landscape               of               New               York               the               idea               of               menancing,               almost               anti-human               buildings               that               created               the               visceral               response               in               some               idealists               will               not               be               duplicated.
               I               have               mixed               feelings               about               this               new               design;               I               can               understand               the               arguments               behind               both               the               reasons               to               come               up               with               a               totally               new               design               and               the               need               to               duplicate               what               was               there               before,               to               resist               change.

That               isn't               what               really               affects               me               at               the               end               of               the               day               though;               if               the               Freedom               Tower               is               the               2.0               version               of               the               WTC,               serving               a               different               function               and               forcing               us               to               let               go               of               what               was               futuristic               in               the               seventies,               I               don't               know;               I               just               wish               that               thousands               of               people               did               not               have               to               die               in               the               process,               and               that               it               was               a               decision               we               could               have               made               on               our               own,               though               regrettably,               one               that               no               one               is               really               ready               to               make               as               well               as               one               you               can               never               prepare               for               ...

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