2013년 10월 26일 토요일

Nilda Whitsitt's blog ::...likely killed on 9/11 or given new identities. Doesn't the scale of this...that the planes attacking the WTC meme was planted so effectively by...

Nilda Whitsitt's blog ::...likely killed on 9/11 or given new identities. Doesn't the scale of this...that the planes attacking the WTC meme was planted so effectively by...

If               you               are               a               tourist               who               is               planning               on               visiting               New               York               City,               Ground               Zero,               the               site               of               the               former               World               Trade               Center               Twin               Towers               will               certainly               be               on               your               itinerary.

Here               are               some               easy               one               hour               long               side               trips               across               the               Hudson               River               to               capture               the               famous               downtown               New               York               City               skyline               in               all               its               glory,               along               with               the               new               One               World               Trade               Center,               formerly               known               as               Freedom               Tower,               towering               above               everything               else.

Just               remember,               each               of               these               spots               have               9/11               memorials,               so               be               respectful               of               your               surroundings.

These               neighborhoods               lost               several               men               and               women               in               the               World               Trade               Center               collapse,               and               even               ten               years               later,               the               skyline               brings               back               memories               of               a               horrific               day               for               area               residents.

New               1               World               Trade               Center
               The               new               1               World               Trade               Center,               the               tallest               building               in               New               York               City               as               of               April               30,               2012,               will               complete               construction               in               2014.

Over               100               floors               of               the               total               104               floors               are               now               complete,               and               the               building               now               stands               at               1,271               feet               above               the               ground.

When               complete,               the               building               is               expected               to               be               1,776               feet               tall,               including               its               408               foot               roof-top               needle.

It               is               no               surprise               that               the               Freedom               Tower,               or               One               World               Trade               Center               building               is               clearly               visible               from               as               far               north               as               the               George               Washington               Bridge.

For               more               photographs,               please               click               here.
               Public               Transportation
               The               World               Trade               Center               area               is               well               served               by               public               transportation,               both               PATH               subway               train               and               NY               Waterway               Ferry               Service.

The               PATH               train               accepts               Metrocards               and               runs               frequently.

NY               Waterway               fare               is               $6               from               the               downtown               ferry               stops               to               NJ               and               operates               on               a               schedule.
               Read               on               to               find               the               best               places               tourists               can               take               public               transportation               to               capture               amazing               views               of               the               World               Trade               Center               and               downtown               New               York               City,               and               return               back               to               Ground               Zero               in               under               an               hour.

Located               in               the               gold               coast               of               New               Jersey,               each               viewing               spot               is               extremely               safe,               easily               accessible               by               public               transportation,               less               than               20               minutes               from               New               York               City               and               offers               amazing,               panoramic               views               of               Manhattan,               especially               downtown               New               York               City               and               the               World               Trade               Center.

Although               these               spots               lend               to               excellent               photography               opportunities               all               day               and               year               round,               the               best               time               to               go               is               late               afternoon,               when               the               setting               sun               casts               beautiful,               dramatic               reflections               on               the               glass               buildings.
               Exchange               Place,               Jersey               City,               NJ
               Take               the               NY               Waterway               Ferry               from               the               World               Financial               Center               to               Paulus               Hook.

Alternatively,               you               can               take               the               PATH               train               from               World               Trade               Center               to               Newport,               and               get               off               at               Exchange               Place,               which               is               the               first               stop.

The               pier               at               Exchange               Place,               a               massive               deck               built               from               sturdy               Trex               material,               offers               panoramic               views               of               New               York               City,               from               the               George               Washington               Bridge               to               the               Statue               of               Liberty.

Situated               directly               across               the               World               Financial               Center,               it               offers               the               most               dramatic,               close               up               view               of               downtown               Manhattan,               with               One               World               Trade               Center               towering               over               the               skyline.

There               is               a               small               9/11               WTC               memorial               on               Exchange               Place.
               Newport,               Jersey               City,               NJ
               Ferry               service               from               downtown               NYC               is               no               longer               offered               to               Newport,               NJ               but               tourists               can               take               the               PATH               train               and               get               off               at               the               last               stop,               Newport               Pavonia,               and               walk               to               the               waterfront,               which               is               a               couple               of               minutes               away.

You               will               pass               a               Starbucks               and               Komegashi               Japanese               restaurant               to               your               right.

Although               the               area               consists               of               several               highrise               buildings               behind               a               gate,               the               waterfront               walkway               is               in               fact               open               to               the               public.

On               your               way               to               the               waterfront,               pause               at               the               small,               yet               poignant               9/11               WTC               memorial,               which               provides               a               straight               view               to               the               former               World               Trade               Center               twin               towers.
               Pier               A               or               Pier               C               Park,               Hoboken,               NJ
               Downtown               Hoboken               is               serviced               both               by               NY               Waterway               ferry               as               well               as               PATH               train.

Pier               A               Park,               located               on               Sinatra               Drive               between               First               and               Second               Street               offers               a               lush               Great               Lawn               with               panoramic               views               of               New               York               City,               from               the               Statue               to               Liberty               to               the               George               Washington               Bridge.

A               glass               memorial               for               9/11               victims,               oriented               toward               the               former               World               Trade               Center               is               expected               to               be               built               on               Pier               A               Park,               Hoboken.

Walking               north               on               the               Sinatra               Drive               waterfront               pathway               will               bring               you               to               the               brand               new               Pier               C               park,               a               kidney               shaped               $25               million               marvel               that               is               built               above               the               Hudson               River.

The               views               of               New               York               City,               including               downtown               and               World               Trade               Center               are               out               of               the               world.

Image of new york city wtc

new york city wtc
new york city wtc

new york city wtc Image 1

new york city wtc
new york city wtc

new york city wtc Image 2

new york city wtc
new york city wtc

new york city wtc Image 3

new york city wtc
new york city wtc

new york city wtc Image 4

new york city wtc
new york city wtc

new york city wtc Image 5

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