2013년 10월 29일 화요일

Nilda Whitsitt's blog ::The New York FAME Fashion Week and Twin Tower Orphan Fund Kick-off 2011 Partnership

Nilda Whitsitt's blog ::The New York FAME Fashion Week and Twin Tower Orphan Fund Kick-off 2011 Partnership

Khalid               Sheikh               Mohammad               and               four               of               his               accused               conspirators               will               be               coming               to               New               York               in               about               three               weeks               for               a               criminal               trial.

The               location               where               he               will               likely               be               held               is               in               Lower               Manhattan,               at               the               Metropolitan               Correction               center               close               to               the               WTC               and               the               Brooklyn               Bridge.

The               accused               9-11               mastermind               will               be               tried               under               the               same               due               process               laws               to               which               American               citizens               are               entitled.

Attorney               General               Eric               Holder               announced               the               decision               at               an               11:00               news               conference               today.

A               detention               and               trial               in               lower               Manhattan               will               present               many               problems.

Besides               being               affronted               by               the               offense               of               having               the               Al               Quaeda               operatives               who               killed               close               to               3000               people               at               the               World               Trade               Center               site,               the               trial               will               present               traffic,               security,               and               budgeting               problems               for               the               city               of               New               York,               already               struggling               with               declining               tax               revenues               and               job               loss.
               While               President               Obama,               speaking               from               Tokyo,               said               that               Khalid               Sheikh               Mohammad               and               the               other               alleged               planners               of               the               attacks               would               "be               subject               to               the               most               exacting               standards               of               justice,"               it's               likely               that               the               adjudicative               process               will               be               subject               to               the               paralysis               of               unending               defense               trial               motions.

The               methods               by               which               information               was               obtained               from               and               about               the               prisoners               will               itself               be               subject               to               scrutiny               and,               if               the               trial               follows               typical               patterns               of               civilian               trials,               much               of               the               evidence               will               be               contested               by               the               defense               and               some               of               the               evidence               is               likely               to               be               disallowed.
               Yet,               outrage               is               widespread               and               likely               to               widen               the               gap               between               Obama               supporters               and               his               critics.

Representative               Peter               King,               of               New               York,               stated               to               a               Fox               News               reporter               that               Obama's               decision               to               bring               the               accused               terrorists               to               New               York               for               trial               was               the               "worst               decision               by               an               American               president               in               history."
               Debra               Burlingame,               whose               brother               died               in               the               9/11               attacks,               said               she               knew               such               a               decision               was               forthcoming               from               the               Obama               administration.

In               a               voice               sounding               like               a               combination               of               tears               and               outrage,               Burlingame               said               she               was               outraged               that               the               men               accused               of               planning               and               implementing               the               attack               were               being               brought               within               a               few               blocks               from               ground               zero.

               "It's               going               to               be               agony,               and               these               men               wanted               to               plead               guilty               in               military               court               ,               said               Burlingame.
               Burlingame               pointed               out               that,               had               that               been               allowed               by               the               government,               there               would               be               no               need               of               opening               raw               wounds               for               victim               families.

Burlingame               feared               that               it               would               take               "years"               just               to               examine               the               evidence               presented               in               5,000               documents.

Compounding               the               difficulty               is               the               fact               that               Khalid               Sheikh               Mohammad               was               water               boarded               and               says               his               confession               was               obtained               under               torture.

The               Obama               administration               has               outlawed               water               boarding               or               other               measures               in               interrogations               it               regards               as               extreme.
               Tim               Brown,               a               New               York               firefighter               and               founder               of               a               victim               support               group               thebravest.com,               says               he               "doesn't               understand               the               Obama               decision."               Interviewed               on               Fox               New               by               Juliet               Huddy,               Brown               says               he               considers               the               World               Trade               Center               an               attack               of               war               and               to               treat               the               alleged               perpetrators               as               civilian               criminals               is               an               insult               to               firefighters,               civilians,               and               families               of               victims.

Brown               sees               the               civilian               trials               as               providing               a               platform               for               the               defendants               and               their               supporters               to               spew               hatred               of               the               U.S.
               His               organization               of               concerned               citizens               and               firefighters
               Contacted               by               phone,               former               New               York               Governor               George               Pataki               pointed               out               the               potential               for               a               similar               propaganda               fiasco,               recalling               the               trials               following               the               1993               Twin               Towers               World               Trade               Center               attacks.

Pataki               says               a               criminal               trial               in               New               York               jeopardizes               our               security               and               reveals               secrets               to               terrorists.

He               used               the               example               that               Usama               Bin               Laden               was               tipped               off               to               U.S.

investigative               interest               by               information               obtained               during               that               civilian               trial.
               "I               think               this               is               a               disgrace,"               Pataki               said.
               The               prevalent               feeling               of               those               interviewed               this               morning               on               Fox               News               was               outrage               but               the               criminal               trial               proceedings               are               supported               by               another               Fox               interview               with               Democratic               Representative               Joe               Sestak               of               Pennsylvania.

Sestak               told               Fox               News'               Bill               Hemmer               that               it               was               important               to               uphold               American               ideals,               and               objected               to               the               means               by               which               investigators               obtained               information               from               suspects               in               the               9-11               attacks.

Image of new twin towers new york city

new twin towers new york city
new twin towers new york city

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new twin towers new york city

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new twin towers new york city
new twin towers new york city

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new twin towers new york city
new twin towers new york city

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new twin towers new york city
new twin towers new york city

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