2013년 10월 28일 월요일

Nilda Whitsitt's blog ::New York City as it should be - the Twin Towers in 1994

Nilda Whitsitt's blog ::New York City as it should be - the Twin Towers in 1994

               Ten               years               ago,               the               country               changed               and               so               did               my               life.
               On               September,               11,               2001,               I               got               to               go               home               from               school               early               for               a               reason               teachers               would               not               explain.

I               didn't               realize               until               I               got               home               that               the               reason               for               leaving               school               was               anything               but               happy.

My               mom               explained               to               me               that               two               planes               had               crashed               into               the               New               York               City               Twin               Towers.

Even               though               I               was               only               in               fourth               grade,               I               remembered               the               Towers               as               being               the               backdrop               for               the               opening               sequence               of               my               favorite               tv               show,               "Friends."
               For               me,               it               was               not               the               actual               events               that               occurred               on               9/11               that               changed               my               life               but               rather               the               events               that               happened               after               it.

My               faith               which               I               was               still               trying               to               figure               out               exactly               what               that               was,               had               never               been               so               awed               by               what               happened               after               9/11.

Churches               all               over               the               country               were               packed               as               people               came               to               God               to               ask               for               protection,               safety               and               prayers.

It               was               amazing               to               see               such               a               mass               exodus               of               people               who               had               been               away               from               the               church               return               to               God               in               this               time               of               tragedy.

For               the               first               time               in               my               life               I               realized               what               faith               really               was               and               that               God               never               turns               his               back               on               anyone.

Since               then,               I               have               never               looked               back               in               my               faith               in               God.
               After               9/11               my               respect               for               the               military               also               increased               exponentially.

I               never               realized               the               incredibly               tough               job               soldiers               have.

They               risk               their               lives               every               day               just               to               keep               the               rest               of               us               safe.

Ever               since               that               day               I               have               constantly               done               what               I               can               for               soldiers               still               serving               in               Iraq.

I               realized               how               important               it               was               to               send               care               packages,               letters               and               to               help               the               soldiers               in               anyway               possible.

They               are               to               be               commended               every               day               and               it               is               to               never               be               forgotten               what               they               did               for               us               and               continue               to               do.
               September               11               also               taught               me               about               the               generosity               of               people.

I               watched               as               firefighters               tried               to               save               people               from               piles               of               rubble.

I               heard               about               the               stories               of               people               running               into               the               burning               buildings               to               help               others               who               they               didn't               even               know.

I               cried               learning               about               the               account               of               the               heroes               on               flight               93               who               called               their               loved               ones               to               tell               them               they               knew               they               were               going               to               die               and               then               selflessly               took               it               upon               themselves               to               crash               the               plane               into               an               empty               field               so               that               no               one               else               would               have               to               die.

images               stay               with               today               and               when               I               see               or               hear               about               someone               doing               something               bad,               I               remember               them               and               that               the               world               is               not               all               bad               and               there               truly               are               inspiring               everyday               people               out               there.

I               aspire               to               be               like               the               heroes               I               watched               in               those               weeks.
               Personally               I               never               lost               anyone               to               the               war               or               attacks               and               I               thank               God               everyday               for               that.

I               do               however               feel               the               loss               for               every               single               person               out               there               and               as               a               country               I               believe               we               all               carry               the               burden               of               loss               because               of               9/11.
               God               bless               America!

Image of new york the twin towers

new york the twin towers
new york the twin towers

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new york the twin towers
new york the twin towers

new york the twin towers Image 2

new york the twin towers
new york the twin towers

new york the twin towers Image 3

new york the twin towers
new york the twin towers

new york the twin towers Image 4

new york the twin towers
new york the twin towers

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