2013년 10월 25일 금요일

Nilda Whitsitt's blog ::...near the Twin Towers worked...consultant to several New York banks and after 9-11 managed...the people. On 9-11 two different...Trade Center Tower 7 had...

Nilda Whitsitt's blog ::...near the Twin Towers worked...consultant to several New York banks and after 9-11 managed...the people. On 9-11 two different...Trade Center Tower 7 had...

The               Cordoba               House,               also               known               as               Park               51,               is               a               planned               Muslim               mosque               to               be               built               at               ground               zero               in               lower               Manhattan               in               New               York.

On               September               11,               2001,               New               York               City               was               under               attack               by               a               militant               Islamic               group,               killing               2750               innocent               people               and               injuring               hundreds               more.

Is               the               site               where               our               twin               towers               were               destroyed               by               terrorists               appropriate               for               a               Muslim               mosque?

Many               people               believe               there               should               be               a               memorial               for               all               of               the               lives               lost               on               9/11               to               be               remembered               put               in               place               at               the               site               of               ground               zero               in               lower               Manhattan.

This               was               New               York's               darkest               day               when               the               towers               were               attacked               by               hijacked               planes               and               fell               to               the               ground               creating               massive               destruction               amongst               the               city.

Hundreds               of               people               were               injured               and               almost               3000               people               lost               their               lives.
               It               is               understood               that               the               United               States               gives               people               the               right               to               practice               any               religion               they               want.

Freedom               of               religion               is               okay.

People               have               the               right               to               purchase               private               property               also.

Private               property               was               purchased               at               ground               zero               by               a               company               called               Soho               Properties               for               the               cost               of               $4.5               million.

Although,               the               business               did               not               have               revenues               counting               half               this               last               year,               they               had               the               money               to               buy               the               property.

The               mosque               will               cost               $200               million               to               build               when               completed.

The               $200               million               is               coming               from               foreign               sources,               not               Americans               or               citizens               of               the               United               States.

Mayor               Bloomberg               says               we               as               people               do               not               have               a               right               to               ask               where               the               funding               for               this               church               is               coming               from.

He               says               as               you               would               not               ask               the               church               who               put               money               in               the               basket               at               your               church.

The               problem               is               that               the               funding               for               this               church               is               not               coming               from               our               American               citizens               as               our               local               church's               funding               comes               from               the               local               citizens               of               the               church.

We               all               must               tell               the               government               where               all               of               our               money               comes               from               at               the               end               of               each               year               when               we               file               our               taxes               or               surely,               we               are               committing               some               kind               of               crime.

It               appears               we               can               build               something               and               call               it               a               church               to               protect               us               from               having               to               answer               to               anyone.

There               are               no               American               born               citizens               funding               this               project.
               Feisal               Abdul               Rauf               is               the               founder               and               leading               the               Cordoba               initiative.

He               was               born               in               Kuwait.

He               feels               the               9/11               site               is               appropriate               for               the               site               of               this               Muslim               mosque.

He               says               it               will               be               a               place               for               prayer               and               worship               on               Fridays.

Although,               he               has               not               admitted               to               this               site               being               a               place               of               an               'in               your               face'               to               all               Americans,               he               has               said               enough.

When               CBS               asked               Rauf               on               60               minutes               if               the               United               States               deserved               the               attacks               on               9/11,               he               simply               stated,               "I               wouldn't               say               that               the               United               States               deserved               what               happened.

But               the               United               States               policies               were               an               accessory               to               the               crime               that               happened."               He               was               then               asked               how               the               US               was               an               accessory               and               he               stated,               "Because               we               have               been               an               accessory               to               a               lot               of               innocent               lives               dying               in               the               world.

In               fact,               in               the               most               direct               sense,               Osama               bin               Laden               is               made               in               the               USA."               Rauf               doesn't               blame               terrorists               for               their               actions               of               being               terrorists               because               they               are               acting               in               what               they               believe               and               their               religion.

He               blames               the               United               States               for               being               the               victim               and               says               we               have               brought               in               on               ourselves.
               Many               people               who               are               arguing               for               the               Cordoba               House               don't               understand               the               meaning               of               the               'Cordoba               House.'               Cordoba               is               a               city               in               Spain.

The               name               Cordoba               was               derived               from               the               Muslims               conquering               the               Christians.

Cordoba               is               well               known               around               the               world               from               all               Muslims               as               the               Muslim               conquest               of               the               Christians               and               the               success               of               the               overtaking.

Anyone               can               name               a               business               or               a               church               whatever               he               or               she               want.

However,               naming               a               mosque               'Cordoba'               at               the               site               of               ground               zero               where               it               just               so               happens               that               an               Islamic               group               took               out               almost               3000               westerners               doesn't               exactly               sit               right               and               is               extremely               coincidental.

So               does               this               mean               that               a               Nazi               group               can               buy               a               property               next               to               a               Jewish               memorial,               put               a               Nazi               symbol               on               the               side               and               call               it               a               church               and               their               place               of               worship               on               Fridays?

Many               American               Muslims               disagree               with               the               mosque               and               say               it               is               inappropriate               and               not               consistent               with               the               sensitivity               of               their               Sufi               philosophy               and               their               faith.
               It               also               appears               these               people               have               positioned               themselves               perfectly               in               the               right               positions               to               make               this               happen.

The               only               roadblock               that               appeared               to               stop               the               construction               of               the               Muslim               mosque               in               lower               Manhattan               was               the               ability               to               preserve               the               building               and               call               it               a               historic               landmark.

In               most               cities               around               the               nation,               if               a               building               is               100               years               or               older,               it               can               be               called               a               historic               landmark               and               the               exterior               and               the               structure               of               the               building               must               remain               in               tact               and               the               same               way               it               was               built.

This               structure               was               built               in               1857               and               1858               with               the               Italian               Renaissance               palazzo               style.

The               intention               was               to               invoke               images               in               New               York               of               economic               might.

The               committee               denied               the               preservation               of               the               building               and               is               allowing               destruction               of               New               York's               'symbol               of               economic               might',               even               though               the               twin               towers               symbolizing               economic               might               were               destroyed               and               this               very               site.

Why               wouldn't               the               committee               preserve               anything               they               can               at               the               site               of               9/11?

Look               at               the               people               who               are               on               the               board               and               made               this               decision.
               There               are               too               many               factors               in               place               that               prove               the               site               of               the               Muslim               mosque,               known               as               the               Cordoba               House               is               not               for               worship               but               instead               a               slap               in               the               face               of               all               of               the               Americans               of               the               United               States.

President               Obama's               job               is               to               uphold               the               constitution,               which               states               they               can               practice               their               religion               and               build               a               church.

Not               once               did               Obama               promise               Americans               to               be               compassionate               toward               the               citizens               of               the               United               States.

He               didn't               promise               to               care               about               us               or               give               us               a               good               life.

He               promised               to               uphold               the               laws.

As               Feisal               Abdul               Rauf               said               our               policies               are               the               accessory,               it               appears               our               own               president               is               showing               us               just               this.

So               all               of               you               who               voted               for               Obama,               who               will               allow               this               mosque               to               go               up               at               the               site               where               we               lost               3000               lives               and               all               watched               in               horror               as               we               were               under               attack,               educate               yourself               about               the               person               you               are               going               to               vote               for               next               time               and               educate               yourself               on               what               they               mean               when               they               say               'change'.

Obama               has               been               in               office               for               16               months               and               as               Quayle               is               protesting               he               is               by               far               the               worst               president               the               nation               has               ever               seen,               Obama               is               set               out               to               prove               it               to               all               of               us.

If               this               site               is               allowed               to               be               built,               Obama               should               be               impeached               from               his               office,               but               again,               unfortunately               this               is               only               one               of               our               'accessory               policies'               we               let               on               ourselves.
               Whether               any               of               us               believe               the               Cordoba               House               should               go               up               in               its               place,               it               will.

It               will               because               anyone,               even               non-citizens               have               the               freedoms               to               do               so.

We               give               the               freedoms               for               illegals               to               cross               the               borders,               vote,               get               a               free               education               while               others               pay               for               student               loans,               and               obtain               free               medical               care               and               more.

Our               president               has               encouraged               and               created               a               welfare               atmosphere.

So               when               you               complain               about               the               Cordoba               House,               think               about               whom               you               voted               for.

It               will               go               up.

This               is               just               the               beginning               of               a               wrath               called               upon               us               that               Obama               is               inviting               in.

I               would               love               to               hear               what               Henry               Kissinger               would               think               about               this.

Roosevelt               has               probably               already               rolled               over               in               his               grave               to               see               the               current               president               destructing               the               country               in               such               a               way.
               The               Cordoba               House               is               a               memorial               for               the               9/11               occurrence.

It               is               a               memorial               for               the               Islamic               terrorists               on               our               own               land.

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new york twin towers 9 11

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new york twin towers 9 11

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new york twin towers 9 11

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new york twin towers 9 11

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new york twin towers 9 11

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