2013년 10월 26일 토요일

Nilda Whitsitt's blog ::... the sterile sanctuary of the twin towers, I'd really be interested in... -- all dismissed with a wave of a hand. The Rocky Mountain News...

Nilda Whitsitt's blog ::... the sterile sanctuary of the twin towers, I'd really be interested in... -- all dismissed with a wave of a hand. The Rocky Mountain News...

New               York               City               has               one               of               the               greatest               assemblages               of               museums               in               the               world.

In               a               mile               long               corridor               lining               Central               Park               several               of               the               city's               premier               museums               offer               a               glimpse               into               art,               science               history               and               culture.

You               could               spend               days               pouring               over               the               countless               gorgeous               and               fascinating               exhibits               in               any               one               of               these               museums               but               during               a               short               visit               to               New               York               city               with               limited               time,               here               is               a               selection               of               the               finest               and               most               important               exhibits.


19th               Century               European               Painting               and               Sculpture               -               The               Metropolitan               Museum               of               Art,               on               its               second               floor,               houses               some               of               the               most               beautiful               and               valuable               paintings               and               sculptures               in               its               19th               century               European               exhibit.

The               galleries               of               paintings               revolve               around               a               central               corridor               filled               with               sculptures               and               paintings.
               My               favorite               sculptures               are               those               by               Rodin,               which               are               stark,               black               figures               and               eerily               lifelike               busts.

The               sculpture               Three               Shades               is               a               harrowing               figure               of               three               standing               figures.

This               sculpture               evokes               in               the               mind               images               from               the               darkest               corners               of               Dante's               Inferno.

The               many               busts               and               figures               of               French               writer               Honoré               de               Balzac,               created               in               preparation               for               the               writer's               grand               memorial,               are               a               sublime               study               of               a               master               at               work,               detailing               various               stage               of               the               sculptor's               creative               process.

The               fine               touch               around               the               eyes               in               the               plaster               head               of               Balzac               shows               not               only               attention               to               detail               but               the               ability               to               imbue               a               sculpture               with               life.
               The               painting               galleries               are               like               a               hall               of               fame               for               European               painting.

Works               by               Van               Gogh,               Monet,               Degas,               Seurat               and               Gauguin               line               the               walls.

Monet's               Rouen               Cathedral,               Garden               at               Saint               Adresse               and               Bridge               Over               a               Pool               of               Water               Lilies               are               among               the               acclaimed               artist's               most               famous               works.

Water               Lilies               and               Houses               of               Parliament               are               mesmerizing               examples               of               Monet's               ability               capture               the               peculiar               effects               of               light,               shadow               and               weather               on               his               subjects.

You               can               spend               hours               ogling               such               works               of               art               or               meander               through               the               Victorian               style               rooms               admiring               each               style               and               artist               in               passing.

The               Met's               collection               of               Van               Gogh               paintings               is               also               quite               captivating.

Irises               and               Wheat               Field               with               Cypresses               are               stunning               examples               of               Van               Gogh's               unique               ability               to               use               swirling               colors               to               express               the               motion               and               light               of               his               subjects.
               The               Met               is               a               fantasy               world               of               stirring               images               and               fascinating               historical               artifacts.

You               could               wander               this               treasure               house               for               days               on               end.

The               19th               century               gallery               is               the               crowning               jewel               on               5th               Avenue,               however.

The               Temple               of               Dendur               -               In               a               large               room               with               an               uptown               view               of               Central               Park's               trees               and               green               fields               sits               an               entire               temple               taken               from               the               shores               of               Ancient               Egypt               and               given               to               the               United               States               as               a               gift.

The               Temple               is               the               centerpiece               of               the               Met's               large               and               beautiful               Egyptian               Art               collection.

The               Temple               of               Dendur               was               constructed               during               the               Roman               Period               about               15               BC,               fifteen               years               after               the               death               of               Queen               Cleopatra,               Egypt's               last               pharaoh.

The               temple               is               an               architectural               piece               of               propaganda.

It               was               commissioned               by               Emperor               Augustus               and               depicts               Augustus               praying               and               worshiping               the               Egyptian               gods.

The               temple               was               in               danger               of               being               submerged               by               the               construction               of               a               dam               in               Egypt               and               was               given               the               United               States.

In               addition               to               its               beautiful               sandstone               architecture               there               are               many               graffiti               inscriptions               that               have               survived               the               centuries               during               which               the               temple               stood               in               Nubia.

The               Ross               Hall               of               Meteorites               -               Located               in               the               American               Museum               of               Natural               History               in               the               rock               and               gem               section,               the               hall               of               meteorites               contains               large               and               small               meteorites               that               have               bombarded               the               planet.

In               addition               to               the               meteorites,               the               hall               contains               several               moon               rocks               from               the               Apollo               moon               landings.

There               are               not               many               places               where               the               general               public               can               come               face               to               face               with               so               many               priceless               artifacts               from               the               heavens.

This               is               one               of               my               favorite               exhibits               in               the               museum.

When               coupled               with               the               Hayden               planetarium               and               the               outer               space               exhibits               that               surround               the               globe-like               theatre,               the               hall               of               meteorites               is               a               fascinating               exhibit               for               any               space               buff.

Hall               of               Dinosaurs               -               the               American               Museum               of               Natural               History               houses               one               the               most               comprehensive               and               impressive               dinosaur               fossil               collections               in               the               world.

The               museum               has               arranged               the               exhibits               so               that               you               can               begin               at               the               earliest               reptilian               fossils               and               trace               the               development               of               dinosaurs               through               the               Triassic,               Jurassic               and               Cretaceous               periods.

The               museum               has               towering               Tyrannosaurus               Rex               and               Brachiosaurus               exhibits               that               are               sure               to               captivate               the               imaginations               of               small               children               who               see               them.

The               museum               also               exhibits               some               more               recognizable               creatures               like               giant               turtles               and               alligators               from               eons               ago.

Continuing               through               vertebrate               evolution               you               can               see               fossils               of               large               mammals               from               the               ice               age               like               wooly               mammoths               and               mastodons.

September               11th               2001               Exhibit               -               The               New               York               Historical               Society               Museum               houses               enormous               collections               of               artifacts               detailing               the               history               of               American               culture               and               New               York               City               history.

The               museum               contains               a               life               mask               of               Abraham               Lincoln               and               a               death               mask               of               Aaron               Burr.

There               are               dozens               portraits               of               American               families               from               the               17th               century               through               the               19th.

There               are               also               many               landscape               paintings               from               America's               nascent               art               movement               during               the               early               19th               century.

In               addition               to               these               exhibitions               the               museum               has               undertaken               the               collection,               perseveration               and               exhibition               of               artifacts               from               the               September               11th               2001               terrorist               attacks.

The               collection               contains               fragments               of               the               jet               liners,               pieces               of               the               fallen               twin               towers,               helmets               and               uniform               fragments               from               the               New               York               Fire               Department               and               New               York               Police               Department.

These               artifacts               have               come               from               the               rescue               and               salvage               operation               following               the               disaster               as               well               as               private               donations               by               individuals               who               were               involved               with               these               horrific               attacks.

This               exhibit               is               both               harrowing               and               moving.

Some               objects               are               twisted               beyond               all               recognizable               shapes               from               the               flames               that               pulled               the               proud               towers               to               the               ground.

The               exhibit               is               as               much               a               shrine               as               an               historic               showpiece.

You               can               see               history               being               made               and               recorded               before               your               very               eyes               as               this               collection               grows.
               New               York               City,               itself,               is               a               giant               classroom               if               you               know               where               to               look.

The               city               is               older               than               the               United               States               and               has               borne               witness               to               some               the               most               important               events               in               American               history.

There               are               many               other               museums               and               exhibits               to               be               seen               as               you               wander               Manhattan's               busy               streets.

These               suggestions               are               but               a               small               fragment               of               what               you               can               find.

Explore               Manhattan               and               indeed               the               city               at               large               with               an               open               mind.

Have               fun!

Image of new york city with twin towers

new york city with twin towers
new york city with twin towers

new york city with twin towers Image 1

new york city with twin towers
new york city with twin towers

new york city with twin towers Image 2

new york city with twin towers
new york city with twin towers

new york city with twin towers Image 3

new york city with twin towers
new york city with twin towers

new york city with twin towers Image 4

new york city with twin towers
new york city with twin towers

new york city with twin towers Image 5

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