2013년 10월 28일 월요일

Nilda Whitsitt's blog ::Rebuilding the World Trade Center

Nilda Whitsitt's blog ::Rebuilding the World Trade Center

When               of               the               great               running               sores               nine               years               after               the               terrorist               outrage               of               9/11               2001               is               that               the               World               Trade               Center               has               not               yet               be               rebuilt.

But               according               to               the               Wall               Street               Journal,               that               is               finally               about               to               change.

One               of               the               questions               that               people               have               raised               is               that               if               the               Empire               State               Building               could               be               raised               in               just               over               a               year,               how               is               it               that               nine               years               have               passed               since               the               destruction               of               the               World               Trade               Center               and               there               is               still               a               pit               where               it               once               stood.
               The               fact               is               there               has               actually               been               some               progress.

7               World               Trade               Center               has               already               been               completed.

In               addition:
               "The               main               1               WTC               building,               the               old               Freedom               Tower,               has               36               floors,               a               third               of               the               way               up               to               its               planned               1,776               feet.

Each               week               or               so               another               floor               gets               added,               soon               blocking               Mr.

Silverstein's               view               of               the               Hudson,               for               which               he               says               he's               thankful.

Two               thousand               construction               workers               are               on               the               site.
               "In               the               southeast               corner               of               the               16-acre               site,               architect               Fumihiko               Maki's               4               WTC               is               well               along,               too.

The               granite               slabs               for               the               two               reflecting               pools               in               the               footprint               of               the               old               towers               are               in               place,               awaiting               the               names               of               the               victims               of               9/11               and               the               1993               WTC               bombing               to               be               engraved               there.

The               pools               will               showcase               the               largest               manmade               waterfalls               in               America.
               "Swamp               white               oak               trees               cultivated               in               New               Jersey               are               brought               in               by               truck               overnight.

A               little               over               a               dozen               are               planted.

There               will               be               over               400               by               the               time,               on               this               day               next               year,               the               memorial               plaza               is               scheduled               to               be               dedicated.

The               first               commercial               tenants               are               to               move               into               the               first               two               completed               buildings               in               2013.

Another               two               office               towers               will               be               added               to               the               complex,               as               well               as               architect               Santiago               Calatrava's               sleek               new               PATH               train               hub."
               Mind,               considering               all               of               the               government               bureaucracies               that               get               to               weigh               in,               nineteen               in               all,               and               all               of               the               conflicting               views               of               how               the               site               should               be               redeveloped,               it               might               be               considered               a               miracle               that               any               building               has               happened               at               all.

Compared               to               the               task               at               hand,               raising               what               was               then               the               world's               tallest               building               in               1930-31               was               incredibly               easy.
               It               is               fitting               that,               along               with               a               memorial               and               a               museum               commemorating               the               Second               Day               on               Infamy,               the               site               will               be               once               again               a               center               of               commerce.

Politicians               certainly               are               in               the               habit               of               sneering               at               making               money,               but               that               is               the               one               thing               that               Americans               are               really               good               at,               if               they               are               unfettered               by               government.

The               fact               that               the               old               World               Trade               Center               was               a               center               of               commerce               made               it               a               target               for               the               terrorists.
               Since               the               new               World               Trade               Center               will               again               be               a               hub               of               business,               with               buildings               stronger               than               before,               the               very               act               of               rebuilding               is               a               rebuke               to               those               who               brought               the               old               buildings               down.

Strike               us               down,               and               we               will               arise               again,               more               powerful               than               before.
               Source:Wall               Street               Journal,               The               Man               Who               Is               Rebuilding               Ground               Zero,               Matthew               Kaminski

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rebuilding trade center

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rebuilding trade center

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rebuilding trade center

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rebuilding trade center

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rebuilding trade center

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