2013년 10월 28일 월요일

Nilda Whitsitt's blog ::... of a heart attack at the controls... to leave the World Trade Center Towers two ... you on video and get by those...

Nilda Whitsitt's blog ::... of a heart attack at the controls... to leave the World Trade Center Towers two ... you on video and get by those...

In               1999,               I               lived               in               Venezuela               for               a               couple               of               months               to               study               Spanish.

I               had               been               taking               classes               at               college,               and               this               was               a               great               opportunity               to               go               somewhere               new.

I               came               back               to               San               Diego               to               finish               my               degree.

While               researching               what               to               do               after               graduation,               I               came               across               a               program               teaching               English               in               Israel               while               working               on               my               masters               degree.

At               that               time,               it               looked               like               we               were               going               to               have               peace               in               the               Middle               East               .

It               seemed               like               a               good               time               to               go.

By               the               time               June               2001               rolled               around,               circumstances               made               my               return               for               a               second               year               in               Israel               unworkable.

I               spent               a               month               that               summer               at               the               University               of               Liverpool               where               I               worked               on               my               masters               degree.

Then               I               headed               back               to               the               U.S.

I               was               still               uncertain               about               where               I               would               go,               but               was               fairly               certain               it               would               not               be               Israel               .

I               looked               for               a               different               teaching               opportunity,               and               ended               up               getting               a               job               at               Skola               Lang               -               an               English               Language               school               in               a               city               named               Kedzierzyn-Kozle               in               south-western               Poland               .
               On               the               way               back               to               Europe               .

I               stopped               in               New               York               to               visit               family.

Because               I               would               not               be               returning               to               Israel               ,               I               also               wanted               to               close               out               the               bank               account               I               had               there.

There               was               a               branch               where               I               was               able               to               do               this               in               the               financial               district               in               New               York               .

It               was               September               4,               2001.

My               morning               consisted               of               bagels,               public               transit,               and               a               lot               of               paper               work.

Having               finished               doing               business,               it               was               time               to               play.

I               headed               over               to               the               World               Trade               Towers               and               up               to               the               observation               decks.
               The               Towers               were               all               that               I               had               heard               about.

I               didn't               realize               there               was               actually               a               complex               of               seven               buildings.

The               complex               had               beendesigned               by               Minoru               Yamasaki.

There               was               also               a               massive               shopping               concourse               underground.

Most               impressive               on               the               ground               level               was               an               inner               courtyard               which               was               modeled               after               the               square               of               Saint               Marks               in               Venice.

I               loved               the               complex.

It               was               at               once               serene               and               energetic.

The               open               spaces               flanked               by               these               spires               wrapped               in               steel               with               their               narrow               windows.

This               was               a               beautiful               space.
               My               goal,               however,               was               to               go               up.

At               the               top               of               Tower               One               was               an               elegant               restaurant               called               Windows.

At               the               top               of               Tower               Two               was               an               observation               deck.

The               bagel               was               tiding               me               over               nicely,               so               I               headed               to               the               outside               observation               deck.

It               was               impressive.

There               were               murals               showing               a               history               of               New               York               .

As               you               looked               out               over               the               city,               kiosks               at               the               perimeter               helped               a               tourist               like               myself               to               figure               out               what               I               was               looking               down               on.

That               evening               I               visited               with               love               ones.

I               finished               packing               whatever               needed               packing.

I               confirmed               my               shuttle               to               the               airport,               and               the               flights               the               next               day.
               I               landed               in               Warsaw               on               September               6,               2001,               and               then               took               a               short               flight               to               Krakow               where               my               Roman               met               me.

He               and               his               wife               would               be               my               employers               for               the               next               year.

They               would               be               my               primary               way               of               getting               the               Polish               world               translated               into               English               if               I               ran               into               difficulty.

Roman               drove               me               back               to               Kedzierzyn-Kozle               and               helped               me               get               my               things               to               my               third               floor               apartment.

I               was               to               spend               the               next               year               living               in               old               Soviet               Block               Housing.

There               was               an               old               television,               but               it               only               received               over-the-air               stations               and               none               of               those               were               in               English.

I               never               turned               it               on.

I               had               a               phone,               but               did               want               to               make               international               calls,               and               had               no               one               in               Poland               to               call.

I               had               found               a               place               to               email               folks               that               I               had               arrived               safely               by               the               time               the               morning               of               September               7,               2001               rolled               around.
               The               next               few               days               were               spent               preparing               for               the               opening               of               classes.

My               boss               took               me               to               get               a               photo,               to               get               my               i.d.,               to               help               get               a               bank               account               established.

We               worked               through               the               weekend.

School               would               start               on               Wednesday               September               13,               2001.

There               was               a               lot               to               accomplish               before               then.
               I               had               spent               the               morning               of               September               11,               2001               working               with               our               school's               lead               teacher.

He               went               over               the               books               and               resources               we               had               available.

He               took               us               out               for               a               traditional               Polish               meal.

It               rained               that               day.

In               fact,               it               rained               everyday               for               the               first               30               days               I               was               in               Poland               .

It               was               not               all               day,               but               enough               to               remind               me               that               I               was               no               longer               in               the               desert               of               Israel               or               Southern               California               .

When               we               broke               up,               I               went               exploring               my               new               town.

I               found               a               great               open               air               market,               a               really               bad               Mexican               restaurant,               the               movie               theaters,               the               public               swimming               pool               and               a               number               of               other               places               that               would               become               my               regular               haunts               in               the               next               year.
               I               barely               got               into               my               apartment               that               afternoon               when               the               phone               rang.

It               was               about               5:30               p.m.

I               was               unsure               who               would               be               calling               me.

I               had               not               yet               given               anyone               my               phone               number.

I               picked               up,               and               there               was               a               panicked               voice               on               the               other               end.

"The               United               States               is               under               attack!

Do               you               want               to               come               watch               BBC               on               our               t.v.?"               It               was               Roman.

My               first               thought               was               he               was               joking,               but               I               knew               from               the               tone               of               his               voice               he               was               not.
               Roman               was               at               my               door               by               6               p.m.

and               I               was               at               his               house               by               6:30               p.m.

Poland               is               6               hours               ahead               of               New               York               time.

In               my               mind,               I               remember               getting               to               his               house               just               in               time               to               see               the               second               tower               fall.

In               retrospect,               I               know               that               tower               collapsed               at               10:28               a.m.

New               York               time.

That               would               have               been               4:28               p.m.

in               Poland               .

I               could               not               have               seen               it               happen,               but               no               doubt               saw               it               being               repeated               on               the               broadcast.

I               would               spend               the               next               three               hours               glued               to               the               television               except               for               the               few               moments               when               I               was               able               to               borrow               Roman's               phone               and               contact               family               to               make               sure               everyone               was               okay.
               I               eventually               was               able               to               break               away               from               the               television.

The               year               in               Israel               had               served               me               well               in               one               regard.

I               had               learned               that               news               organizations               that               had               to               report               continually               would               talk               without               providing               new               information,               often               providing               only               speculation               on               what               had               happened.

I               also               learned               to               recognize               that               news               organizations               would               repeat               the               same               graphic               images               over               and               over               again.

I               knew               as               I               watched               the               coverage               on               BBC               and               CNN               that               the               newscasters               had               nothing               new               to               report.

They               were               simply               obligated               to               keep               talking.

I               went               to               bed               that               night               exhausted               from               the               emotions               of               the               evening.
               I               woke               up               on               September               12,               2001still               unsure               of               what               had               transpired.

I               jumped               on               the               internet.

It               was               6               a.m.

in               Poland               -               midnight               in               NY.

There               was               still               lots               of               speculation               about               what               had               happened,               but               no               real               information.

There               were               lots               of               personal               stories               coming               out.

I               heard               lots               of               tales               of               not               only               of               destruction               and               death,               but               of               the               fear               people               felt.

I               felt               no               fear               at               that               moment.
               I               felt               no               fear               for               I               had               already               confirmed               that               those               I               knew               were               well.

I               also               knew               that               I               was               in               a               part               of               the               world               that               was               not               a               tourist               locale.

I               was               a               two               hour               train               trip               from               the               nearest               city               that               might               qualify               as               a               tourist               attraction.

If               someone               was               out               to               get               Americans,               they               were               not               going               to               come               to               Kedzierzyn-Kozle               to               find               just               me.
               I               followed               the               news               via               the               internet               in               the               coming               weeks.

No               video               clips,               just               reading               news               sites.

I               talked               to               people               in               the               U.S.

They               sent               me               copies               of               newspapers,               issues               of               news               magazines               dedicated               to               the               Twin               Towers.

My               Polish               students               were               curious.

I               was               their               connection               to               what               people               were               feeling               in               the               U.S.

I               only               had               a               vague               sense               of               what               people               were               feeling.
               I               had               friends               and               family               who               lived               in               major               cities               -               Los               Angeles,               New               York,               Houston               and               Dallas.

There               were               loved               ones               near               military               bases               in               San               Diego               and               Pensacola.

There               were               people               living               near               tourist               destinations               like               Disneyland               and               Graceland.

Everyone               was               afraid.

Media               and               government               promoted               fear               among               Americans.

I               grew               sad               at               the               news,               but               I               never               grew               afraid.

I               trusted               people               as               I               always               had.
               I               realized               when               I               returned               to               the               United               States               the               next               year               how               very               different               my               life               had               been.

I               had               escaped               not               only               the               fear               of               the               moment,               but               the               ongoing               experience               of               9/11               that               others               had.
               The               images               of               9/11               burned               themselves               into               my               memory               as               I               watched               them               over               and               over.

The               media               would               not               let               me               escape               those               issues.

The               image,               however,               that               most               moved               me               was               one               that               was               only               in               my               mind               -               the               image               of               the               city               of               New               York               spreading               beneath               me               as               I               looked               at               it               from               the               observation               deck               of               a               building               that               had               ceased               to               be.

Image of 2001 world trade center attack video

2001 world trade center attack video
2001 world trade center attack video

2001 world trade center attack video Image 1

2001 world trade center attack video
2001 world trade center attack video

2001 world trade center attack video Image 2

2001 world trade center attack video
2001 world trade center attack video

2001 world trade center attack video Image 3

2001 world trade center attack video
2001 world trade center attack video

2001 world trade center attack video Image 4

2001 world trade center attack video
2001 world trade center attack video

2001 world trade center attack video Image 5

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      ...3,000 people that died in the 2001 attacks. On brighter notes September...have a great deal of coverage and live video from 9/11/01 and interviews...
    2. khampoua.wordpress.com/   09/10/2011
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    3. openingmind.blogspot.com/   03/20/2007
      ...can make another series of videos of our citizens... my plan to stop World War III and the destruction... the sheer stupidity of attacking Iran. If you look at the...
    4. openingmind.blogspot.com/   09/11/2009
      ... of a heart attack at the controls... to leave the World Trade Center Towers two ... you on video and get by those...
    5. openingmind.blogspot.com/   01/06/2007
      ...could broker the idea of a scaled down video version of 911 The Stage Play. The people we contact...my original vision was that 99.5% of the world's population will die if we fail? Sell it as your...
    6. primalscreed.blogspot.com/   09/08/2006
      ...the former World Trade Centre seeks... and videos and where...that in 2001 Osama bin...that he attacked the same target...
    7. ramcp2004.blogspot.com/   05/02/2011
      ...that he would not make more video statements until his group launches another attack on the United ...what they called the world's first fatwa, or Islamic edict...
    8. dreamofarlequin.wordpress.com/   09/11/2009
      ...human knowledge , politic , united states , videos Tagged: | 11 september , attack to world trade center , ground zero , twin towers , united...
    9. mgpaquin.blogspot.com/   02/24/2007
      ...that actually did attack us on 9/11. Who ... in early December 2001, when we lost Osama... plane into the World Trade Center. In the Scooter Libby trial...
    10. lothlorienpath.blogspot.com/   03/08/2007
      ...hypothesis confronts us with is the likelihood that on September 11th, 2001, 2800 people were purposely—nay ritually—immolated, over a third of...
    11. 2001 World Trade Center Attack Video - Blog Homepage Results

      Al-Qaeda had nothing to do with the September 11 attacks. The World Trade Center was destroyed as part of a conspiracy to destroy the United...

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