2013년 10월 29일 화요일

Nilda Whitsitt's blog ::... happened at the Twin Towers, but it couldn’t possibly have ... into bed. You remember the news footage. It was surreal. For the next...

Nilda Whitsitt's blog ::... happened at the Twin Towers, but it couldn’t possibly have ... into bed. You remember the news footage. It was surreal. For the next...

On               the               morning               of               August               7,               1974,               a               24-year               old               Frenchman               named               Philippe               Petit               walked,               danced,               strutted,               knelt,               and               reclined               flat               on               his               back               on               a               metal               cable               less               than               one               inch               in               diameter               strung               across               the               200               foot               gap               between               the               two               towers               of               the               World               Trade               Center               in               New               York               City               for               about               45               minutes.

This               amazing               fact               is               the               kind               of               thing               that               it               is               difficult               to               grasp,               to               get               one's               mind               around,               and               even               to               believe.

But               it               did               happen               and               is               well-documented.

In               fact,               the               2008               documentary               film               Man               on               Wire               recreates               the               event               in               vivid               detail,               skillfully               interweaving               contemporary               footage               with               still               photographs               and               re-enactment               segments.

The               film               was               directed               by               James               Marsh,               an               Englishman,               and               sponsored               by               Magnolia               Pictures,               Discovery               Films               BBC,               and               the               UK               Film               Council.

It               is               "based               on"               Petit's               book               To               Reach               the               Clouds,               but               Petit               himself               was               very               directly               involved               in               creating               the               film               itself.

The               nearly               60               year               old               Petit               recounting               the               events               is               as               much               the               star               of               the               film               as               the               24               year               old               artist.

This               94               minute               documentary               film               won               a               Best               World               Documentary               award               at               the               2008               Sundance               Film               Festival               and               a               Best               Documentary               Oscar               at               the               February               2009               Academy               Awards               ceremony,               among               other               well-deserved               awards.

It               is               now               available               on               Blu-ray               and               DVD,               which               is               the               form               in               which               I               watched               it.

It               has               been               widely               released               internationally               under               various               titles.
               Whether               you               were               around               to               read               about               this               feat               in               1974,               missed               it               entirely,               or               are               too               young               to               have               known               about               it,               you               need               to               see               this               film.
               For               myself,               my               recollection               of               Petit's               walk               is               very               vague               or               non-existent               because               that               summer               I               was               rather               pre-occupied.

I               was               a               brand               new               college               graduate               working               as               an               intern               on               Capitol               Hill,               following               the               Watergate               hearings               with               intense               interest,               developing               a               relationship               with               the               man               who               would               become               my               husband,               preparing               to               enter               graduate               school               at               Yale               in               September,               traveling               to               California               for               the               first               time,               meeting               my               future               husband's               family               there,               watching               Richard               Nixon               resign               on               TV,               etc.

It               was               one               of               the               busiest               summers               of               my               life!

But               right               then,               on               August               7,               1974,               a               truly               extraordinary               thing               happened               in               New               York               City               that               is               worth               learning               about               decades               later.
               Philippe               Petit's               Lifetime               of               Preparation               for               the               Walk
               The               event               was               years               in               the               planning,               beginning               with               Philippe's               discovery               of               the               twin               towers               project               at               age               17               from               a               French               newspaper               article.

Even               before               the               towers               were               built,               he               imagined               stringing               a               wire               between               them               and               walking               in               the               clouds.

Philippe               was               a               rebellious,               artistic,               restless               young               man               who               ran               away               from               his               middle               class               family               at               age               15,               became               a               street               performer-juggler,               mime,               unicyclist,               magician-in               Paris,               and               taught               himself               to               walk               on               ropes               or               wires               above               ground.

He               was               never               affiliated               with               a               circus               or               the               tradition               of               tightrope               walking               in               a               circus.

His               wire               walking               was               more               in               the               vein               of               performance               art.

And               the               fact               that               the               walks               were               sometimes               illegal               added               to               the               drama               and               the               excitement               in               his               mind.
               Prior               to               the               twin               towers               walk,               Philippe               had               successfully               walked               between               towers               that               make               up               the               facade               of               the               Cathedrale               Notre               Dame               de               Paris               and               between               piers               of               the               Sydney               Harbour               Bridge               in               Australia.

Both               acts               were               illegal               of               course,               but               seemed               to               result               in               only               minor               penalties               for               him               and               his               accomplices.

But               the               piece               de               resistance,               the               big               coup               for               Philippe               was               the               World               Trade               Center               walk               and               he               and               his               friends               spent               literally               years               researching               and               planning.

They               also               secured               the               cooperation               of               several               Americans               on               site               in               NYC.
               Executing               the               Plan
               When               the               day               came               to               execute               the               plan               at               last,               Philippe               and               his               accomplices               sneaked               into               the               two               towers               with               their               equipment.

During               the               dead               of               night,               they               used               a               bow               and               arrow               to               start               a               line               across               the               gap,               which               was               then               used               to               send               a               a               cord,               and               finally               a               cable               across.

They               secured               the               cable               on               either               end               and               stabilized               it               with               additional               diagonally               arranged               cables.

This               was               not               easy!
               Then,               as               the               city               was               coming               to               life               the               next               morning,               Philippe               stepped               out               onto               the               wire               with               his               stabilization               pole               and               cavorted               for               the               next               45               minutes.

It               was               not               an               act               of               bravery               or               terrorism,               not               a               "stunt,"               but               an               artistic,               theatrical               performance               designed               to               be               a               thing               of               beauty               and               wonder.

Certainly               Philippe's               girlfriend,               interviewed               on               film,               saw               it               that               way.

The               police               were               called               and               came               quickly               to               the               scene.

They               were               powerless               to               stop               Petit;               however,               when               he               decided               to               come               back               onto               the               roof,               he               was               quickly               arrested.

After               a               psychiatric               evaluation,               he               was               soon               released               on               the               understanding               that               he               would               pay               for               his               crimes               of               trespassing,               etc.

by               putting               on               a               performance               for               the               children               of               New               York               City.
               Why               the               Film               Works               and               its               One               Big               Defect
               The               filmmakers               did               an               amazing               job               of               locating               and               interviewing               many               of               the               people               who               helped               Petit               plan               and               execute               the               twin               tower               operation,               including               his               girlfriend,               several               close               friends               in               France,               an               Australian               friend               he               met               on               the               Sydney               Harbor               mission,               and               some               Americans               in               New               York.

These               interviews               and               Petit's               personal               footage               added               rich               detail               to               the               human               relationships               involved               as               well               as               the               logistical               challenges.

Petit               himself               is               a               hugely               engaging               raconteur,               communicating               not               just               the               facts,               but               the               feelings               that               propelled               him               through               this               era.

Although               his               capacity               for               self-absorption               is               vast,               so               was               his               accomplishment.
               The               film               has               one               huge               gaping               defect               and               that               is               its               complete               failure               to               acknowledge,               even               in               the               smallest               and               most               subtle               way,               the               fact               that               the               towers               no               longer               exist.

If               there               was               such               an               acknowledgement               (and               I               looked               hard               for               it),               I               missed               it.

I               can               imagine               what               the               filmmaker's               artistic               purpose               might               have               been               in               ignoring               this               reality;               however,               conducting               extensive               interviews               in               2007               or               2008               without               acknowledging               in               some               way               that               the               buildings               were               destroyed               in               2001               seems               to               me               disingenuous.

This               is,               after               all,               a               documentary               film.
               The               scenes               of               the               towers               being               built               were               intensely               poignant               because               we               can               see               the               metal               grids               going               up               on               the               outside               of               the               buildings               that               we               remember               so               well               in               the               wreckage               after               9/11.

And               the               scenes               early               on               when               the               foundation               is               under               construction               look               much               like               ground               zero               today.
               Of               course               one               of               the               reasons               why               Philippe               Petit's               extraordinary               adventure               of               August               7,               1974               is               extra               interesting               to               us               now               is               because               we               have               all               thought               so               much               about               those               buildings               because               they               were               utterly               destroyed               by               the               violent               attacks               of               9/11/2001.

The               towers               were               still               under               construction               in               August               1974               (although               they               had               reached               their               full               height)               and               they               were               somewhat               controversial.

In               fact,               Petit's               walk               had               the               effect               of               helping               New               Yorkers               to               think               more               positively               about               the               stark               monoliths,               a               quarter               of               a               mile               high,               that               had               just               been               built               in               their               midst.
               As               we               look               back               on               Petit's               minor               act               of               civil               disobedience               and               major               act               of               artistic               expression               in               1974,               it               gives               rise               to               a               bittersweet               nostalgia               for               such               an               innocent               time.

Little               did               we               know               then               that               a               small               number               of               terrorists               trained               in               the               Middle               East               could               sneak               into               the               U.S.,               highjack               four               commercial               airliners,               and               fly               two               of               them               into               the               World               Trade               Center               towers,               causing               the               buildings               to               collapse.

The               loss               of               life               and               the               economic               impact               were               unthinkable.

We               did               not               realize               when               Petit               walked               on               the               wire               that               the               towers               would               stand               for               fewer               than               thirty               years.

Nor               did               we               foresee               that               nearly               a               decade               after               the               towers               fell,               we               would               still               be               so               torn               up               by               the               painful               event               that               we               could               not               agree               on               a               fitting               use               of               the               site.

Ground               zero               remains               a               raw               sore.
               See               this               film               to               remember               when               the               twin               towers               represented               hope               and               progress               and,               to               Philippe               Petit,               an               artist's               canvas.
               Man               on               Wire               is               available               here               from               amazon.com               on               DVD               or               Blu-ray.

It               is               also               widely               available               from               rental               services               or               free               from               public               libraries.

It               is               rated               PG-13               (for               brief               discussions               of               smoking               pot               and               sexuality               and               fleeting               distant               nudity)               and               is               appropriate               for               a               broad               audience.

Minimal               profanity.

Definitely               appropriate               for               teens               and               up.

Image of 9 11 twin towers footage

9 11 twin towers footage
9 11 twin towers footage

9 11 twin towers footage Image 1

9 11 twin towers footage
9 11 twin towers footage

9 11 twin towers footage Image 2

9 11 twin towers footage
9 11 twin towers footage

9 11 twin towers footage Image 3

9 11 twin towers footage
9 11 twin towers footage

9 11 twin towers footage Image 4

9 11 twin towers footage
9 11 twin towers footage

9 11 twin towers footage Image 5

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      ...Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. 5) Human...The collapse of the twin towers as people ...in Fallujah, Iraq. 9) The aftermath of...against humanity. Footage so violent that it...
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      ... at AboveTopSecret... FLIR Footage of Twin Towers Burning http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread611507/pg1 and 9/11 FLIR Infrared Camera proves NIST...
    10. thetruthwillrise.wordpress.com/   10/27/2010
      ...WTC To Collapse New 9/11 Footage Reveals WTC 7 Explosions Video: 9/11 Firefighters... Before Towers Collapsed Share...

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