2013년 10월 26일 토요일

Nilda Whitsitt's blog ::Thougts on the 10th anniversary of the 9/11/2001 attacks

Nilda Whitsitt's blog ::Thougts on the 10th anniversary of the 9/11/2001 attacks

Around               the               world,               people               have               their               own               thoughts               and               personal               story               of               where               they               were               on               911,               what               they               were               doing               when               they               heard               the               news,               and               how               they               were               told               about               the               various               occurrences               on               that               day.

I               want               to               share               with               you               my               story               about               what               happened               to               me               that               day               as               the               seemingly               endless               events               of               that               day               unfolded.

On               September               11,               2001,               I               was               not               at               the               World               Trade               Center,               Financial               Center               or               anywhere               in               else               New               York               City               on               that               day.

I               was               at               work               on               a               construction               site               at               a               medical               facility               in               Ocean               County,               New               Jersey               doing               my               job               as               a               construction               project               manager.

This               is               my               story               of               what               happened               on               911.
               My               morning               started               at               about               4:30am               on               a               beautiful               dawn               that               was               about               to               start               followed               by               what               was               to               be               a               picture               perfect               late               summer               day.

The               stars               were               shining               and               dawn               began               as               the               sun               rose.

It               started               as               a               normal               day               for               me               preparing               my               paperwork               for               the               day               ahead               and               the               construction               tradesmen               to               start               another               workday.

At               7:00am               the               workmen               started               and               many               came               in               earlier               as               the               weather               was               perfect               and               there               were               many               trades               on               the               construction               site               that               day               as               the               phase               was               in               full               progress.

There               were               carpenters,               laborers,               masons,               ironworkers,               electricians,               plumbers,               pipe               fitters,               and               operating               engineers               on               site.
               I               started               my               morning               visit               around               the               jobsite               as               usual               which               takes               about               1               1/2               hours.

I               do               this               religiously               everyday               to               see               all               the               men               and               activity               on               the               job.

I               was               nearing               the               end               of               my               morning               rounds               and               the               last               workers               for               me               to               visit,               before               coffee               break,               were               the               excavating               crew.

It               was               around               8:50am               when               I               greeted               the               lead               operating               engineer               (Bob)               who               was               running               a               large               track               backhoe               and               excavating               for               concrete               footings.

I               overheard               the               radio               in               his               tractor               cab               and               signaled               him               to               turn               it               off,               as               radios               are               not               allowed               on               our               job               sites               because               they               distract               the               workers               and               pose               a               safety               hazard.

Bob               made               a               hand               motion               for               me               to               go               over               by               him               so               I               did.

Bob               lowered               the               throttle               of               the               excavator               and               told               me               he               just               heard               on               the               radio               that               some               idiot               just               crashed               a               plane               into               one               of               the               Twin               Towers.

I               kind               of               snickered               and               shrugged               my               shoulders               and               said               "whatever               Bob"               and               I               told               him               to               turn               off               the               radio               and               that               it               was               probably               some               kind               of               a               joke               on               the               radio               station               he               was               listening               to.

I               walked               away               and               headed               back               to               my               office               to               have               an               apple               turnover               and               a               cup               of               coffee               as               usual.

As               I               entered               my               office               I               said               good               morning               to               the               secretary               and               staff               on               the               way               to               my               desk.

I               didn't               mention               a               word               to               my               staff               about               what               I               just               heard               from               Bob,               knowing               they               wouldn't               believe               it.
               After               I               had               my               coffee,               about               9:10am,               I               headed               back               outside               to               the               site               to               check               on               some               building               details.

I               also               wanted               to               go               back               by               Bob               the               operator               to               make               sure               he               kept               his               radio               off               like               I               asked               him               to.

As               I               approached               the               backhoe               I               could               hear               the               radio               was               still               on.

I               couldn't               believe               he               not               only               had               the               radio               on               again,               but               had               it               much               louder               than               before               and               other               workers               were               crowded               around               the               machine               listening..

As               Bob               saw               me               rushing               to               approach               him               he               started               waving               to               me               as               he               did               before,               but               this               time               he               stopped               the               excavator               and               turned               the               engine               off.

I               was               ready               to               start               reprimanding               him               but               he               interrupted               me               and               said               "Jerry,               another               plane               crashed               into               the               other               tower".

Still               not               believing               the               story               I               quickly               said,               "Bob               turn               off               the               radio,               I               am               sure               the               news               is               wrong               and               if               anything,               maybe               a               small               private               plane               or               helicopter               could               have               possibly               hit               the               tower,               not               2               planes."               I               said,               "look               at               the               sky,               it's               a               totally               clear               beautiful               day,               not               a               cloud               to               be               seen,               no               one               could               have               possibly               hit               the               tower               with               a               plane               in               this               weather,               let               alone               now               their               reporting               two               planes               hit."
               I               stood               next               to               the               excavator               with               the               other               men               listening               to               the               news               on               the               radio               and               asked               Bob               to               tune               in               to               another               news               station.

By               this               time               I               stopped               smiling               and               was               silently               picturing               in               my               mind               what               was               happening.

I               couldn't               believe               what               I               was               hearing,               as               all               of               the               radio               stations               were               confusingly               reporting               similar               events               happening.

As               I               listened               I               felt               a               sudden               chill               flush               through               my               whole               body               as               I               listened               to               the               details               as               they               were               being               reported               live.

It               was               true,               two               planes               did               hit               the               Twin               Towers,               and               they               weren't               small               planes,               they               were               commercial               airliners               with               people               on               board               and               they               were               hijacked.

All               the               workers               were               very               disturbed               and               concerned               as               they               were               learning               that               it               might               be               terrorists.
               I               left               the               site               and               went               into               the               visitor               waiting               area               of               the               medical               center               to               see               what               was               on               the               TV,               as               I               entered               the               room               everyone               was               standing               in               front               of               the               TV               monitor               with               their               hands               on               their               faces               expressing               disbelief               of               what               they               were               seeing.

I               watched               for               a               few               minutes               and               went               back               outside               to               call               my               wife               Karen               at               work.

When               I               finally               got               thru               she               said               she               already               knew               of               what               happened               and               said               that               the               office               phone               system               and               data               lines               were               jammed.
               Around               9:45               am,               I               was               still               trying               to               comprehend               the               news               stories,               never               imagining               that               anything               else               could               happen,               then               reports               started               coming               in               that               another               commercial               airplane               crashed               into               the               Pentagon               in               Washington               DC.

At               this               point               I               was               convinced               that               something               of               a               much               larger               scale               is               going               on               and               this               is               an               attack               on               America,               fearing               there               is               no               limit               now               of               what               to               expect.

People               in               general               were               in               shock               or               disoriented               with               the               attacks               and               were               trying               to               contact               their               family               members               to               find               out               if               they               are               o               k,               where               they               were,               and               advise               them               to               return               home               to               be               with               one               another.

As               we               all               suspect               we               are               under               attack,               and               anything               can               happen               now.

The               news               of               the               minute               now               was               the               FAA               had               grounded               all               inbound               &               outbound               flights               stopping               air               traffic               service               in               the               U.S.

and               ordered               every               airborne               flight               to               land               so               the               FAA               could               take               control               of               the               airspace               in               America.

Shortly               after               that               it               was               announced               that               the               White               House               was               evacuated               and               our               President,               George               Bush               was               taken               to               the               air               in               Air               Force               1               to               an               unknown               destination.
               Coworkers               had               joined               me               in               watching               the               television               broadcast               in               the               waiting               area               and               around               10:05am               it               was               reported               that               one               of               the               Twin               Towers               had               collapsed               and               fallen               to               the               ground.

Watching               this               tower               perish               as               it               happened               on               TV               was               very               disturbing               and               left               all               of               us               helplessly               watching               as               trying               to               imagine               what               was               happening               to               the               people               in               that               building.

Another               report               at               10:10am               stated               that               a               portion               of               the               Pentagon               had               collapsed               and               no               sooner               than               that               happen               it               was               being               reported               that               another               plane               had               crashed               in               a               wooded               area               of               Somerset               County,               Pennsylvania.

With               panic               in               their               voices,               newscasters,               reporters               and               announcers               alike               were               confused               what               to               report               next               as               the               news,               events               and               disasters               unfolded               in               front               of               their               eyes.

As               announcements               were               made               there               would               be               interruptions               adding               more               information               to               the               story.

It               appeared               that               more               targets               the               U.S               were               going               to               be               attacked               at               this               point               and               I               was               thinking               to               myself               where               would               an               atomic               bomb               land?
               The               FAA               diverted               all               US               inbound               flights               to               Canada.

At               10:28am               we               hear               that               the               2nd               Twin               Tower               has               fallen               to               the               ground               also.

The               amount               of               news               reports               coming               in               are               almost               unbearable               to               comprehend               and               America               is               in               total               shock.

Panic               is               everywhere               and               New               Yorkers               can't               escape               the               city               fast               enough.

There               were               trails               of               people               in               the               streets               walking               to               the               Brooklyn               Bridge               and               Manhattan               Bridge               trying               to               leave               the               city               any               way               possible.
               11:00               am-               At               this               point               of               the               day               most               of               the               men               on               the               job               were               ready               to               leave               to               go               home.

From               my               observation               the               reaction               of               the               people               in               and               around               the               hospital               were               similar               to               mine               of               total               disbelief               and               an               eerie               feeling               of               what               could               possibly               be               next.

I               had               already               talked               to               my               wife               earlier               and               her               company,               which               employed               about               1000               people,               was               closing               business               for               the               day               and               letting               everyone               go               home               as               they               pleased.

My               wife               Karen               stopped               by               my               jobsite               about               11:30am               on               her               way               home,               she               looked               very               upset               like               the               rest               of               us.
               I               was               getting               ready               to               leave               as               soon               as               I               met               the               surveyor               who               was               scheduled               to               stop               by               the               jobsite               any               minute.

The               surveyor               showed               up               at               my               office               about               11:45am.

I               have               known               him               for               years               and               when               I               greeted               him               I               saw               the               distressed               look               on               his               face               from               the               day's               events               at               the               World               trade               Center.

After               we               shook               hands               he               told               me               he               just               left               a               40               story               jobsite               in               Jersey               City               that               is               directly               across               the               Hudson               River               from               the               Twin               Towers.

He               told               me               he               witnessed               both               planes               hitting               the               towers               that               morning               in               total               disbelief.

He               said               it               actually               sickened               him               watching               the               2nd               plane               hit               the               tower               and               seeing               the               smoke               bellowing               from               the               towers               across               town.

He               had               to               leave               the               jobsite.
               I               arrived               home               about               12:30               pm.

Karen               was               already               home               sitting               outside               near               our               pool.
               The               weather               for               the               day               was               clear,               beautiful               and               serene               with               pure               blue               skies               and               not               a               cloud               to               be               found.

It               was               so               peaceful               outside               we               decided               to               sit               around               the               pool               together               and               not               stay               inside               to               watch               the               horrible               events               of               the               day               on               television.

I               think               for               Karen               and               I               being               outdoors               was               like               an               aphrodisiac               to               numb               us               from               the               events               of               the               day.

We               could               almost               imagine               that               nothing               had               ever               happened               that               day,               except               for               one               thing...the               total               silence               in               the               skies               above               and               absence               of               airplanes.

We               have               never               experienced               this               kind               of               silence               outdoors               as               we               did               on               this               day,               September               11,               2001               when               all               air               traffic               was               halted.

Karen               went               swimming               and               I               just               hung               out               around               the               pool               thinking               about               our               countries               fresh               wounds.
               We               have               a               son               and               daughter               who               were               both               living               on               their               own               at               the               time.

My               son               was               living               in               Miami,               and               my               daughter               was               living               locally.

Karen               kept               trying               to               get               in               contact               with               them               to               make               sure               they               were               fine,               but               she               was               having               no               luck.

It               seems               that               when               a               disaster               strikes               the               most               important               thing               is               to               be               together               with               your               family               or               know               they               are               safe               so               you               can               have               that               sense               of               security               and               this               we               had               as               our               family               circle               was               all               accounted               for.

We               personally               lost               no               family               or               friends               in               the               attack.

I               couldn't               stop               thinking               about               the               many               families               that               lost               loved               ones               and               the               grief               they               would               suffer               in               the               days               ahead.
               There               is               no               doubt               the               events               of               911               changed               the               life               of               every               American               citizen               in               one               way               or               another.

So               as               I               started               with               this               story,               everyone               has               their               own               memories               of               September11th               and               will               never               forget               the               details               of               that               day.

Americans               were               in               shock               that               this               happened               here,               and               never               thought               they               would               witness               a               terrorist               attack               on               our               soil.

Image of attack on wtc 2001

attack on wtc 2001
attack on wtc 2001

attack on wtc 2001 Image 1

attack on wtc 2001
attack on wtc 2001

attack on wtc 2001 Image 2

attack on wtc 2001
attack on wtc 2001

attack on wtc 2001 Image 3

attack on wtc 2001
attack on wtc 2001

attack on wtc 2001 Image 4

attack on wtc 2001
attack on wtc 2001

attack on wtc 2001 Image 5

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