2013년 11월 1일 금요일

Nilda Whitsitt's blog ::... on twin towers. There ... and videos and where... of the game... that he attacked the same target...

Nilda Whitsitt's blog ::... on twin towers. There ... and videos and where... of the game... that he attacked the same target...

Lamb               and               Lynx               Gaede               can               no               longer               be               called               the               "children               of               hate".

Because               today,               dear               readers,               they               turn               eighteen.

               There               is               a               promotional               photograph               of               Lamb               and               Lynx               that               was               taken               when               they               were               thirteen:               The               girls               are               standing               at               the               edge               of               a               hill,               their               blond               hair               blowing               in               the               breeze,               the               sky               behind               them               overcast.

You               can               see               the               lights               of               a               small               city               in               the               distance,               somewhere               in               California.

Lynx               is               standing               up               and               Lamb               is               squatting               down               on               the               ground               next               to               her               sister,               both               wearing               over-sized,               green               army               jackets               over               their               t-shirts               and               jeans.

They               have               large,               black               combat               boots               on               their               feet.

They               seem               to               both               be               looking               at               something               in               the               distance,               deep               in               thought.

The               picture               is               a               popular               one.

There               is               a               copy               of               this               photo               floating               around               in               which               someone               printed               this               rhetorical               question               next               to               the               girl's               faces:               "Who               said               the               revolution               wasn't               going               to               be               pretty?"               And               by               "revolution"               they               mean               the               White               Revolution.

David               Lane               once               spewed               fourteen               words               which               have               now               taken               on               a               life               of               their               own,               and               have               been               recited               by               White               Nationalists               with               the               same               urgency               as               a               Christian               recites               Leviticus               18:               "We               must               secure               the               existence               of               our               people,               and               a               future               for               White               children."
               The               twins,               and               their               band               Prussian               Blue,               have               been               used               as               poster               children               for               the               archetype               of               the               perfect               Aryan               child               starting               when               they               were               just               nine-years-old.

They               were               young,               pretty,               blond               and               white.

Many               of               their               devoted               fans               have               been               grown               men.

And               some               have               been               known               to               describe               the               girls               as               "Aryan               Goddesses"               and               "beautiful               babies".
               They               were               born               Lamb               Lennon               Lingelser               and               Lynx               Vaughan               Lingelser               on               June               30,               1992               in               Fresno,               California               to               April               Gaede               and               Kris               Richard               Lingelser.

They               are               fraternal               twins,               but               look               enough               alike               that               it               can               be               difficult               to               decipher               who               is               who.

Both               have               the               fair               hair               and               blue               eyes               from               their               German               and               Scottish               ancestry.

Lamb               is               a               little               taller               than               Lynx,               and               Lynx's               face               is               slightly               thinner.

Their               baby               photos               show               them               as               plump,               apple               cheeked,               blond               children               who               spent               a               lot               of               time               outside               on               their               grandfather's               ranch               around               horses               and               other               animals.

Apparently               one               of               the               reasons               April               chose               Kris               to               bear               children               with               was               because               of               his               good               "Aryan"               qualities.

She               has               said               that               her               one               regret               is               "the               many               years               that               I               lost               in               which               I               could               have               produced               four               to               six               more               children               with               that               ideal               eugenic               quality               that               [Lynx               and               Lamb]               possess."
               April               was               born               in               the               month               of               April               in               1966               and               was               raised               in               California               by               her               parents,               Bill               Gaede               and               Dianne               Gaede               (maiden               name               Jennings).

Her               father               owns               and               runs               a               ranch               in               Squaw               Valley,               California               and               brands               his               cattle               with               the               German               Swastika.

The               Swastika               is               also               displayed               on               the               side               of               his               truck.

When               asked               by               ABC               Primetime               why               her               father               uses               such               a               "provocative"               symbol               for               his               branding,               April               says,               "               --               he               thinks               it's               important               as               a               symbol               of               freedom               of               speech               [to]               use               it               as               a               cattle               brand."
               In               1986,               April               married               Lamb               and               Lynx's               father.

When               the               marriage               ended               in               1997,               April               gained               full               custody               of               the               girls               after               filing               a               restraining               order               against               him               for               domestic               violence.

Kris               Lingelser               was               allowed               supervised               visits               with               his               daughters,               but               it's               not               known               how               often               he               took               advantage               of               that.
               As               the               years               went               by,               April               became               more               and               more               involved               in               the               White               Nationalist               movement,               which               also               meant               she               was               slowly               but               surely               indoctrinating               her               racist               beliefs               onto               her               two               young               daughters.

In               2001,               April               joined               the               National               Alliance               which               was               founded               by               Dr.

William               Pierce.

If               you're               unfamiliar               with               Dr.

Pierce,               you               may               be               familiar               with               his               violent               novel               entitled               The               Turner               Diaries,               a               story               about               a               race               war               that               was               published               in               1978.

Timothy               McVeigh               was               said               to               have               been               partially               influenced               by               The               Turner               Diaries               to               carry               out               the               Oklahoma               City               Bombing.
               In               the               same               year               that               April               joined               the               National               Alliance,               nine-year-old               Lamb               and               Lynx               began               showing               a               talent               and               a               love               for               music.

They               started               singing               a               Capella               at               White               Nationalist               events               when               Dr.

Pierce               suggested               to               their               mother               that               her               adorable,               blond               twin               daughters               should               put               out               an               album.

Singing               White               Pride               songs,               of               course,               since               it               would               be               for               Pierce's               record               company               Resistance               Records.

April               and               the               girls               jumped               at               the               chance.

After               realizing               it               was               going               to               be               difficult,               and               a               bit               pricey,               to               hire               a               band               to               back               the               girls'               vocals,               Lamb               took               up               the               guitar               and               Lynx               the               violin.

And               in               2004,               they               released               their               first               CD               as               Prussian               Blue.

The               album               was               called               Fragment               of               the               Future               and               it               was               indeed               released               by               Resistance               Records.

(Such               a               shame               that               Pierce               didn't               live               to               see               their               CD               come               to               completion.

He               passed               in               2002.)               By               this               time,               Lamb               and               Lynx               were               twelve-years-old.

And               they               already               had               a               few               years               of               dealing               with               the               mainstream               media               under               their               belts.
               In               2005,               three               years               after               Pierce               had               passed,               there               were               some               leadership               issues               involving               the               National               Alliance.

It               resulted               in               April               and               a               few               other               members               being               kicked               out.

So               the               excommunicated               banded               together               and               founded               a               new               White               Nationalist               organization               called               the               National               Vanguard.
               April               says,
               "I               was               raised               by               a               father               who               was               obviously               racially               aware               and               who               raised               me               to               be               proud               of               being               white.

And               like               most               teenagers               I               questioned               what               my               father               taught               me,               especially               when               I               was               younger               and               realized               how               unpopular               our               beliefs               were               at               school.
               Out               in               the               world               though               I               quickly               came               to               the               opinion               that               my               father               was               right               and               correct               in               his               thinking,               and               the               more               of               the               multicultural               world               I               experienced               the               more               I               realized               my               father               was               on               to               something               and               I               eventually               became               even               such               a               racialist               that               I               became               an               activist."
               In               2003,               April               married               schoolteacher               Mark               Harrington               (he               sometimes               uses               the               surname               Neufeldt).

Harrington               shares               April's               radical               beliefs               and               in               2004               April               gave               birth               to               their               daughter,               Dresden               Hale.
               Lamb               and               Lynx:               Today
               The               most               recent               photographs               and               information               available               of               Lamb               and               Lynx               for               public               viewing               are               the               front               pages               of               their               "Facebook"               profiles.

Their               profile               photos               change               from               time               to               time,               but               two               of               them               stand               out               to               me:               Lamb's               photo               is               of               her               with               dyed               reddish               hair.

She               is               looking               into               the               camera               holding               in               front               of               her               face               a               green               tinted               glass               ball,               which               magnifies               her               left               eye.

One               of               her               favorite               quotes               is               a               lyric               from               an               Eagles               song.

And               under               her               "Likes               and               Interests"               she               added               Maharishi               Mahesh               Yogi,               an               Indian               man               who               "brought               Transcendental               Meditation               to               the               West."
               Lynx's               photo               is               of               her               outside,               gazing               upward               into               the               clear               Montana               sky               with               a               pair               of               sunglasses               on,               a               dark               jacket               with               the               hood               up               and               the               snow               and               Pines               in               the               background.

She               "likes"               Buddha.

And               according               to               a               page               she               created               on               blogger.com               back               in               2008,               she               enjoys               the               music               of               Jimi               Hendrix,               among               many               other               things.
               I               used               to,               but               not               anymore,               be               able               to               see               their               Friends               Lists               --               they               appeared               to               have               friends               with               diverse               views               and               some               that               even               looked               to               be               "non-white".
               The               twins               (who               now               seem               to               be               back               to               using               their               biological               father's               surname,               I'm               assuming               so               that               they               can't               be               as               easily               traced               back               to               their               mother's               controversial               political               endeavors)               spent               much               of               their               pre-adolescent               and               adolescent               years               as               Prussian               Blue.
               Prussian               Blue
               One               of               the               twins               (the               interview               didn't               specify               which               one)               explained               how               they               came               up               with               their               band's               name:               "               --               we               were               on               the               way               to               a               performance               and               mom               said               we               needed               a               name.

We               were               reading               a               Resistance               magazine               and               saw               the               words               Prussian               Blue.

Mom               said               that               people               would               make               a               big               deal               that               it               was               also               the               name               of               the               Zyklon               B               residue               but               we               didn't               think               it               was               that               big               a               deal.

We               liked               the               idea               because               it               is               a               pretty               color               and               it               is               also               part               of               our               ancestry               (Prussian)               and               we               have               blue               eyes."               (8)
               The               reason               why               April               warned               them               that               people               would               make               a               "big               deal"               out               of               the               name               Prussian               Blue               is               because               of               the               controversy               surrounding               Zyklon               B               between               Holocaust               Deniers               (or               Revisionists               as               they               are               sometimes               called)               and               mainstream               historical               scientists.

Zyklon               B               is               a               cyanide               based               pesticide               that               was               used               in               the               gas               chambers               by               the               Nazis               in               World               War               II               to               kill               the               prisoners               in               the               concentration               camps.

However,               the               "Revisionists"               believe               that               Zyklon               B               was               not               used               for               the               extermination               of               people.

They               say               had               the               pesticide               been               used               as               often               as               it               has               been               claimed               to               kill               prisoners,               there               would               be               a               Prussian               Blue               colored               residue               lining               the               walls               of               the               chambers.

And               according               to               revisionists,               there               was               no               residue.

Or               at               least               very               little               of               it.

(To               explore               this               argument               more               closely,               check               out               this               link.
               MSM               (aka               Mainstream               Media)
               The               mainstream               fascination               with               Lamb               and               Lynx               Gaede               began               around               2003               when               they               were               eleven-years-old.

British               broadcaster               and               journalist               Louis               Theroux               did               a               documentary               about               the               American               White               Nationalist               scene               called               "Louis               and               the               Nazis"               (12),               part               of               a               television               series               he               did               entitled               "Louis               Theroux's               Weird               Weekends."               During               the               filming,               Lamb               and               Lynx               were               in               the               process               of               recording               Fragment               of               the               Future.
               As               Theroux               follows               the               girls               during               this               time,               we               see               that               Lamb               and               Lynx               seem               to               be               energetic,               care-free               and               happy               children.

Lamb               is               a               bit               more               reserved               and               quiet               than               her               sister.

And               they               adore               and               love               their               mother               deeply.

We               watch               as               April               becomes               very               passionate               (and               angry)               as               she               explains               and               discusses               the               racial               issues               she               has               devoted               her               life               to.

I               think               it's               safe               to               say               the               sisters               probably               don't               want               to               get               in               the               way               of               any               of               that               wrath               and               will               do               anything               to               make               their               mom               proud               and               keep               her               happy               and               calm.
               "They               seem               a               little               young               to               be               getting               into               politics               and               racial               issues,"               Theroux               says               to               April               after               the               girls               sing               a               Capella               a               song               about               South               Africa               and               "their               so-called               fight               for               freedom."               
               "Yeah,"               April               says               slowly,               "But               they               gotta               start               sometime."
               "What               is               the               idea               behind               creating               this               group               out               of               them               that               sings?"               Theroux               asks               April.

The               camera               pans               to               Lamb               who               has               flopped               herself               over               the               back               of               the               couch.

When               she               flips               back               up               and               realizes               the               camera               is               watching               her,               she               giggles.
               "I               think               that               Lamb               and               Lynx's               music               and               their               appeal,               especially               as               they               just               get               a               little               bit               older               --               they're               going               to               be               an               example               and               they're               going               to               show               how               being               proud               of               your               race               is               something               that               would               be               very               appealing               to               young               teenage               girls               --               what               young               man,               red-blooded               American               boy               isn't               going               to               find               two               blond               twins,               sixteen-years-old               singing               about               White               Pride               and               pride               in               your               race               --               very               few               are               not               going               to               find               that               appealing,"               April               explains,               confirming               the               fact               that               she               recognizes               that               Lamb               and               Lynx's               physical               appearance               are               part               of               their               appeal.

They               are               not               jaw               dropping               gorgeous               but               they               are               pretty,               cute               and               charismatic               in               a               girl               next               door               sort               of               way.

They               are               smart               and               charming,               yet               non-precocious.

The               bottom               line,               really,               is               that               they're               blond               twins.
               With               Lamb               playing               acoustic               guitar               and               Lynx               playing               her               violin,               their               folksy               sound               is               disturbingly               catchy.

The               vocals               can               be               at               times               faulty               and               awkward,               but               in               general               they               are               talented               children.

Since               their               material               was               so               controversial               and               their               viewpoints               so               disgusting               to               the               majority               of               the               world's               population,               they               obviously               didn't               have               Hollywood               producers               (or               the               "Jew               Media")               tweaking               their               sound               to               make               them               marketable               and               flawless.

But               it               is               the               lyrics               of               their               songs               that               are               the               most               alarming.

One               of               the               biggest               misconceptions               is               that               all               of               the               songs               were               written               by               the               girls.

"Victory               Day"               is               a               cover               song               by               Rahowa,               a               Canadian               White               Nationalist               band               that               was               headed               by               George               Burdi.

(However,               Burdi               has               since               renounced               racism.)               (9)               "The               Snow               Fell"               and               "Ocean               of               Warriors"               are               Skrewdriver               songs.

The               lyrics               for               "Lamb               Near               the               Lane"               were               written               by               David               Lane               and               the               music               was               composed               by               Lamb.

(Lane               and               the               twins               were               pen-pals               up               until               his               death               in               2007.)               The               songs               "Skinhead               Boy"               and               "Sacrifice"               are               two               of               the               songs               written               entirely               by               Lamb               and               Lynx.

The               most               impressive               songs               are               "The               Stranger"               and               "Your               Daddy".

The               lyrics               to               "The               Stranger"               are               actually               the               Rudyard               Kipling               poem               of               the               same               name.

The               girls               composed               the               music               and               it               is               quite               impressive.

(Of               course,               I               am               the               furthest               thing               from               a               music               expert,               so               my               opinion               may               not               be               much               to               go               by.)               Even               though               the               Kipling               poem               is               about               being               skeptical               and               uncertain               of               people               from               other               cultures,               the               writer               can               hardly               be               considered               a               racist.

First               of               all,               the               poem               was               written               in               1908.

Second               of               all:
               Many               older               editions               of               Rudyard               Kipling's               books               have               a               swastika               printed               on               their               covers               associated               with               a               picture               of               an               elephant               carrying               a               lotus               flower.

Since               the               1930s               this               has               raised               the               possibility               of               Kipling               being               mistaken               for               a               Nazi-sympathizer,               though               the               Nazi               party               did               not               adopt               the               swastika               until               1920.

Kipling's               use               of               the               swastika               was               based               on               the               Indian               sun               symbol               conferring               good               luck               and               well-being;               the               word               derived               from               the               Sanskrit               word               svastika               meaning               "auspicious               object".

He               used               the               swastika               symbol               in               both               right-               and               left-facing               orientations,               and               it               was               in               general               use               at               the               time.

Even               before               the               Nazis               came               to               power,               Kipling               ordered               the               engraver               to               remove               it               from               the               printing               block               so               that               he               should               not               be               thought               of               as               supporting               them.

Less               than               one               year               before               his               death               Kipling               gave               a               speech               titled               "An               Undefended               Island"               to               The               Royal               Society               of               St               George               on               6               May               1935               warning               of               the               danger               Nazi               Germany               posed               to               the               UK.

               Although               I'm               sure               the               WN               will               say               that               Kipling               was               "threatened"               by               the               Jews               to               make               such               a               speech.
               "Your               Daddy"               is               a               song               the               girls               wrote               and               dedicated               to               their               baby               sister               and               step-father.

It               was               released               on               Father's               Day               2006.

There's               a               sadness               to               the               song               as               they               sing               to               their               little               sister               about               how               lucky               she               is               to               have               her               father               present               in               her               life:
               "Mine               was               never               there               for               me/yours               is               always               there               you               see/there               is               a               great               past               you'll               find/I               try               to               leave               my               past               behind/but               it's               broken/it's               broken/so               please               don't               take               for               granted/please               don't               take               for               granted/your               daddy
               See               the               very               end               of               this               article               for               more               sample               lyrics               from               Prussian               Blue's               songs.
               Theroux               asks               April               if               the               girls               are               denied               any               playthings               that               the               average               kid               might               enjoy.

Lynx               tells               him               they're               not               allowed               to               play               with               Game               Boys.

He               then               asks               if               there               are               any               race-related               video               games               the               girls               like               to               play.

(Set               up?

I               think               so.

So               clever,               Theroux.)
               "We've               got               Ethnic               Cleansing,"               Lynx               tells               him,               "But               we               don't               play               that               very               often."               
               "What               is               that?"               Theroux               asks.

               "That's               a               computer               game               that               the               National               Alliance               puts               out               called               Ethnic               Cleansing.

It's               basically               a               shoot               'em               up               computer               game               in               which               --               a               skinhead               goes               through               a               ghetto               and               shoots               Blacks               and               Mexicans,"               April               explains.

               "Do               you               like               it?"               Louis               asks               the               girls.

               Lynx               nods,               "It's               really               hard,               though,               cuz               of               course               all               the               people               that               you               shoot               have               guns               too.

They               hide               in               bushes               and               stuff.

They're               like               perched               up               on               basketball               hoops               and               stuff               and               they're               climbing               in               trees               and               stuff,               so               you               gotta               watch               out               when               you               hear               those               gorilla               sounds,               they               make               gorilla               sounds               --               "               Lynx               proceeds               to               mimic               a               gorilla's               grunting               noise               "               --               like               that.

Then               you               go               [points               her               finger               like               a               gun               and               aiming               at               an               imaginary               opponent               off               in               the               distance]               and               then               you               shoot               it."               
               "Is               that               a               good               idea,               do               you               think               April?"               Louis               asks,               "It               seems               a               little               --               "               he               trails               off,               trying               to               find               the               correct               word               to               use.

               But               Lynx               is               ahead               of               him.

"Vulgar?"               she               suggests.

               "Ok,"               Louis               says               slowly.

               April               laughs.
               While               in               the               recording               studio               with               the               girls,               Louis               asks               them               if               they               would               want               to               be               skinheads               when               they're               older.

The               girls               emphatically               tell               him               that               they               wouldn't,               because               that               would               mean               they               would               have               to               shave               their               heads.

And               Lynx               tells               him,               "I'm               keeping               my               hair               long."               Lamb               also               educates               Theroux               by               telling               him               that               a               female               skinhead               is               called               a               "skinbyrd".

               "Would               you               like               to               go               out               with               skinheads               when               you're               older               and               you're               ready               to               start               seeing               boys?"               
               "Yes!"               Lamb               says               quickly               and               with               the               enthusiasm               that               only               an               eleven-year-old               school               girl               can               have.

               "Sure,"               Lynx               adds               sheepishly.

               "Would               you?"               Louis               asks.

               "Yes."               They               both               giggle.

               "Because!"               answers               Lynx               as               she               runs               off               toward               the               recording               room               with               her               violin.

               "They're               cool,"               Lamb               tells               him.

               "They're               very               special               people.

They're               important               people!"               Lynx               calls               out               from               the               other               room.

               "Why               are               they               important?"               Louis               calls               back.

               "Because               they're               very               dedicated               to               what               they               believe               in."
               Louis               voices               over               at               one               point               during               his               time               with               the               Gaedes,               "I               wondered               how               Lynx               and               Lamb               would               grow               up,               and               how               they               would               feel               about               their               mother               once               they'd               left               home               and               were               able               to               think               for               themselves."
               They               were               a               perfect               target               for               the               American               media.

Dubbing               them               "The               Children               of               Hate"               and               using               such               titles               as               "Young               Singers               Spread               Racist               Hate"               for               their               articles               and               other               eye               catching               quips,               they               did               one               of               their               first               mainstream               interviews               with               ABC               Primetime               in               2005.

Lamb               and               Lynx               were               13.

(1)               They               were               everything               the               media               loved;               blond,               innocent,               sweet.

With               that               little               "devious"               twist.

Even               though               the               twins'               "ideology"               (can               kids               that               young               have               a               set               ideology               already?)               was               completely               abhorrent,               there               was               nothing               about               their               demeanor               that               seemed               cruel               or               hateful.

Even               when               Lynx               declared               that               she               believed               that               6               million               Jews               being               murdered               in               World               War               II               was               an               "exaggeration",               you               can               tell               it's               an               arrogant               adolescent               statement               that               is               not               completely               thought               out.

Inga               Barks,               a               radio               personality               from               Bakersfield,               California               who               interviewed               the               girls               in               2006,               said,               "If               they               were               ugly               with               gnarly               teeth               and               warts               on               their               faces,               people               would               be               going               'You're               a               racist!'               But               they're               beautiful               as               they're               saying               these               words               and               they're               agreeable               as               they're               saying               these               words.

And               people               go,               'What?

Is               that               racist               or               not?

I               can't               tell!'"               (2)
               I               am               not               here               to               say               that               teenagers               and               adolescents               aren't               capable               of               creating               their               own               ideas               and               beliefs.

They               are.

But               if               you're               claiming               such               serious               statements               and               a               way               of               life,               you               must               be               able               to               back               it               up.

And               you               must               have               the               understanding               that               it               is               not               popular               and               there               are               people               will               not               like               you.

Are               children               ready               for               that               and               can               they               understand               it?

Can               they               appreciate               the               viewpoint               of               someone               who               finds               their               views               appalling?

Or               do               they               just               think               that               people               are               just               being               "mean"               to               them?
               Aaron               Gell               did               an               interview               with               Lamb,               Lynx               and               April               in               2005.

It               was               published               in               GQ               magazine               and               was               titled               "A               Minor               Threat".
               "I               keep               getting               disappointed               in               journalists.

Aaron               Gell,               the               Jewish               guy               who               wrote               the               article               for               GQ               magazine               gave               us               the               most               fair               article               so               far,"               April               once               stated,               "I               think               that               is               because               Jews               don't               have               to               feel               as               guilty               about               what               they               write               and               most               gentiles...are               full               of               white               guilt.

I               have               actually               considered               limiting               my               MSM               [Mainstream               Media]               interviews               to               Jews               only               in               the               future......lol"               (5)
               Gell               writes:               The               really               nice               letters               [the               band               receives               from               fans]               got               printed               out               and               put               in               a               binder,               Lamb               says,               "so               if               we               ever               get               bummed               out               because               someone               says,               'I               wish               you               would               die,'               there's               some               positive               stuff               to               look               at."
               "There               are               people               we               think               are               our               friends,               and               when               they               find               out               what               we               believe,               they're               like,               'Ewwww',               "               Lynx               explains.
               Homeschooled               through               the               sixth               grade,               Lamb               and               Lynx               enrolled               at               a               local               public               school,               Beardsley               Junior               High,               last               year.

After               a               brief               adjustment               period,               they               joined               the               ranks               of               the               "popular,               snotty               girls,"               says               former               classmate               Elizabeth               Belsky,               a               brainiac               type               whose               musical               tastes               run               more               toward               show               tunes               than               German               war               anthems.

By               her               reckoning,               the               girls               have               "had               a               lot               of               boyfriends";               she               recalls               quite               a               bit               of               hands-in-back-pockets               action.

"They               had               everyone               in               that               school               wrapped               around               their               fingers."               (3)
               Apparently,               Lynx               was               also               given               the               title               "Seventh               Grade               Princess"               and               Lamb               received               the               "History"               award               for               her               grades               in               the               subject               while               attending               Beardsley               Junior               High.

               In               2005,               Lamb               and               Lynx               sent               their               estranged               father               a               copy               of               their               first               CD.

It               was               at               that               time               that               he               claims               he               realized               how               radical               their               beliefs               had               become.
               "Do               they               know               how               many               people               out               there               will               look               at               [them]               and               just               go               --               I               mean               I               get               angry,               just               angry,"               Lingelser               told               ABC               News,               "And               they               don't               deserve               that               anger.

They               don't               deserve               that               hate.

That's               not               them               --               It's               just               horrible.

How               do               I               feel?

I               want               it               to               stop.

I               want               them               to               not               say               'Heil               Hitler.'"
               The               exact               reasoning               of               the               custody               battle               is               unclear.

Some               sources               say               it               began               because               April               had               decided               to               move               out               of               California               (or               "Mexifornia"               as               she               sometimes               called               it)               to               a               state               with               a               larger               white               population.

Of               course,               she               told               the               court               it               was               because               her               parents               owned               a               ranch               in               Montana               and               they               were               moving               with               them.

(To               my               knowledge,               Bill               and               Dianne               still               live               in               California.)               The               original               custody               agreement               between               April               and               Kris               was               that               April               was               not               allowed               to               move               their               daughters               out               of               state               without               the               court's               consent.

And               because               of               this,               Lingelser               decided               to               fight               for               custody.
               Other               sources               say               the               custody               dispute               mainly               started               at               this               time               because               it               was               also               the               same               time               that               Lingelser               realized               the               intensity               of               his               daughter's               beliefs.

Either               way,               he               went               back               to               court               at               an               attempt               to               regain               custody.

He               originally               lost               custody               when               they               divorced               because               he               admittedly               had               a               drug               problem.
               "I               had               a               drug               issue,               and               you               know,               I               was               not               always               the               most               responsible               parent,"               he               says.
               ABC               News               uncovered               a               troubling               letter               in               which               Lingelser               threatened               to               kill               April               and               the               twins               if               she               told               police               of               his               drug               abuse.
               Lingelser               says               he's               no               longer               a               threat               to               his               girls.

He               lives               and               works               in               San               Diego,               and               says               he's               now               clean               and               sober               and               believes               he               would               be               a               better               parent.(11)
               However,               the               judge               ruled               in               favor               of               April.
               Nazi               Pop               Twins
               In               2006,               British               documentary               filmmaker               James               Quinn               gained               access               to               film               Lamb               and               Lynx               for               a               year               in               their               lives.

His               result               became               "Nazi               Pop               Twins",               the               only               full               length               documentary               entirely               focused               on               the               girls.

And               April.

The               twins               were               fourteen               when               they               started               filming.
               One               of               the               first               scenes               shown               is               of               April               showing               off               a               crisp,               white               t-shirt               with               a               yellow               smiley               face               on               it.

Cute,               right?

Except               on               the               upper               right               hand               corner               is               a               black               obtuse               triangle               which               makes               the               face               look               like               it               has               hair.

And               right               above               the               middle               of               the               smile               is               a               black               square.

These               t-shirts               are               sold               by               AryanWear,               a               website               that               sells               various               types               of               "Aryan"               merchandise:               accessories               with               Swastikas,               bags               that               say               "Skinhead               Army"               and               many               other               things.

The               official               name               of               the               merchandise               April               is               holding               is               "Happy               Hitler               Girly               T               -               Hitler               Smiley               Face               Shirt".
               "AryanWear               hired               Lynx               and               Lamb               to               model               these               and               a               few               other               shirts               for               their               company.

We               thought               these               T-shirts               in               particular               were               funny,"               April               stated               on               Prussian               Blue's               blog               in               September               of               2005               (6)               underneath               the               now               world               famous               pictures               of               the               girls               wearing               the               shirts.(10)
               "The               famous               t-shirts!"               April               says,               holding               up               the               shirts               for               the               crew               to               film,               "I               really,               honestly,               still               don't               understand               why               people               don't               find               these               hilariously               funny.

You               add               a               little               triangle               and               a               little               rectangle               there,               and               all               of               a               sudden               everybody               [is               saying]               'Ooooh,               this               is               scary,               scary,               scary'."               The               t-shirts               are               now               synonymous               with               the               twins.

I               think               a               circulated               photo               of               thirteen-year-old               girls               wearing               Hitler               t-shirts               may               be               on               par               with               a               mainstream               celebrity's               nude               or               scandalous               picture               being               leaked.

Personally,               I               think               it's               worse.
               Lamb               and               Lynx               have               grown               considerably               since               the               last               time               they               were               in               the               media               spotlight.

At               thirteen,               when               they               were               on               Primetime,               their               bodies               were               skinny               and               pre-pubescent               and               their               demeanor               was               much               more               child-like.

At               fourteen,               they               look               more               like               adults               with               their               fuller               and               more               womanly               physiques.

Their               style               seems               to               be               comfortable               and               casual,               working               with               the               California               heat:               Lamb               wears               a               lot               of               long               flowing               skirts,               flip-flops,               tank               tops,               t-shirts               and               blue               jeans.

Lynx               seems               to               be               a               little               bit               more               daring               with               her               style,               at               one               point               wearing               leggings               and               a               denim               miniskirt.

She               also               wears               a               Life               Rune               symbol               around               her               neck.

The               Life               Rune               was               originally               a               symbol               from               pre-Christian               Europe               with               meanings               related               to               hunting,               honor               and               nobility.

In               the               1930s,               the               symbol               was               adopted               by               the               SS's               Lebensborn               project.

More               notably               today,               the               National               Alliance               uses               the               Life               Rune               to               symbolize               "Giver               of               Life"               in               relation               to               women               in               the               White               Nationalist               movement.

To               them,               it               symbolizes               the               future               of               the               White               race.

However,               many               non-racists               use               this               symbol               as               well.

For               instance,               pagan               religions               have               used               this               symbol               in               their               practices.

But               as               we               all               know,               Nazis               love               taking               benign               symbols               and               turning               them               into               badges               of               fear               and               hate.

But               I               digress.
               Quinn               goes               on               to               film               parts               of               the               radio               interview               Lamb               and               Lynx               did               with               Inga               Barks.

When               Barks               questions               the               girls               about               whether               or               not               they               believe               the               Holocaust               happened,               Lamb               replies               hesitantly,               as               if               not               even               sure               if               she               is               comfortable               anymore               answering               this               question,               "Well,               it               was               in               the               middle               of               a               war.

They               were               desperate               for               fuel.

I               mean,               I               just               don't               think               they               would               take               so               much               time               just               to               make               things               so               horrible."               And               she               really               believes               this.

How               can               she               not?

She               finds               it               hard               to               believe               that               people,               especially               the               people               she's               been               brought               up               to               defend               and               admire,               would               be               so               callously               cruel               as               to               intentionally               murder               millions               of               people               for               reasons               beyond               their               control.

It's               much               easier               for               the               girls               to               believe               the               Holocaust               never               happened               (or               was               exaggerated)               as               they've               been               told               by               their               care-givers               than               to               believe               the               atrocities               that               the               rest               of               the               world               believes.
               "Is               there               anything               in               your               life               that               makes               you               extraordinary?"               Quinn               asks               the               girls               one               day               as               they               sit               in               a               park               on               a               sunny               day.
               After               a               brief               pause,               Lamb               says,               "This               is               a               bit               awkward."               She               smiles               and               fidgets,               "Are               you               asleep               mama?"               April               seems               to               have               fallen               asleep               on               a               park               bench.
               "She's               falling               asleep,"               Lamb               says,               while               Lynx               looks               at               her               sister               and               seems               to               laugh               knowingly.
               "I               don't               wanna               say               [that               we               stand               for]               'White               Power'               because               that's               not               what               we're               about,"               Lynx               tells               Quinn,               "For               the               past               four               years               everything's               been               about               politics               and               it's               kind               of               drained               my               sister               and               I               --               we               just               wanna               take               a               break               and               cool               down               for               a               bit               and               just               hang               out               --               get               out               of               the               media               for               a               little               bit."               

               *               *               *
               Bill               Gaede's               ranch               is               bustling.

Not               only               is               the               film               crew               and               the               entire               family               present,               but               the               family               has               also               invited               friends               over.

Bill               goes               on               to               show               Quinn               how               he               brands               his               cattle               and               shows               him               his               many               firearms               and               rifles.

Dianne,               Bill's               wife               and               April's               mother,               sits               by               herself               underneath               the               shade               of               a               large               tree,               a               coffee               cup               in               one               hand               and               a               breakfast               donut               in               the               other.

April               specifically               told               Quinn               not               to               speak               with               her.

But               as               the               day               wears               on               and               everyone               starts               to               go               their               own               ways               on               the               large               ranch,               Quinn               takes               his               chance               and               speaks               with               Dianne.
               "It's               all               because               of               this               goddamned               Nazi               shit,"               Dianne               tells               Quinn.

She               is               animated               and               emotional               as               she               tells               him               about               how               she               says               she's               been               feeling               for               so               long,               "That's               what               it's               all               about               and               it's               just               fucking               ruined               my               life.

I'm               gonna               let               it               all               hang               out,               boy.

I               hope               if               you               see               this,               Bill,               that               it               really               fucks               you               up.

Even               though               we've               lived               here               thirty               years,               I               don't               have               a               single               friend.

You               know               why?

I               don't               have               a               single               friend               because               he's               so               hateful.

I               just               don't               like               him               enough               to               live               with               him               anymore.

I've               seen               my               kids               just               torn               apart               by               it.

Not               April,               she               really               loves               it."
               Dianne               goes               on               to               say               that               she               doesn't               believe               that               Lamb               and               Lynx               would               have               chosen               on               their               own               to               believe               in               the               principles               of               White               Nationalism               and               says               that               it               is               April's               influence               on               them.

"That's               why               I               say               the               mother               keeps               this               shit               going               and               keeps               it               going,"               Dianne               explains               to               Quinn,               "In               fact,               we               [Dianne               and               the               twins]               have               a               plan               --               they're               in               high               school               for               four               years               but               then               they'll               be               of               age               and               plus               they'll               have               a               car               --               and               we'll               go               up               the               coast               looking               for               a               house."               Dianne               tells               Quinn               that               this               "escape               plan               was               explosive               information"               and               tells               him,               "If               you               ever               hear               of               my               body               being               found,               check               it               out               will               you?

Because               I               wouldn't               put               it               past               [Bill]               killing               me."
               "My               mother               is               a               perfect               example               of               how               trying               to               be               PC               and               please               the               press               can               drive               you               literally               mad,"               April               responded               to               what               her               mother               told               the               film               crew,               "If               you               ask               anyone               who               knows               her               you               would               be               told               how               'racist'               my               mother               really               is.

In               fact,               she               complains               about               the               nonwhites               just               about               every               day.

The               problem               with               her               is               that               she               is               weak               and               doesn't               want               these               antiracist               pussies               from               England               to               think               ill               of               her.

So               she               lies               about               her               beliefs               to               the               camera               and               turns               around               and               makes               racist               statements               a               few               minutes               later.
               In               2002               she               told               reporters               she               was               dying               of               cancer               and               had               only               a               few               months               to               live,               obviously               she               is               confused               and               my               sister               and               I               suspect               that               she               is               in               the               early               stages               of               Alzheimer's               since               she               cannot               remember               and               often               confuses               simple               facts               from               our               childhood.

I               was               angry               at               first               with               my               mom,               and               so               was               my               dad,               that               much               would               be               obvious.

But               I               also               understand               the               position               that               she               felt               she               was               in               and               got               tricked               by               slime               balls               who               acted               like               somehow               she               would               be               'off               the               hook'               if               she               denounced               what               we               believe.

I               have               forgiven               her,               though               I               certainly               don't               trust               her.
               And               as               for               the               'taking               the               twins               away',               my               mother               is               a               lot               of               hot               air.

If               she               really               disagreed               with               what               we               believe               she               would               have               left               years               and               years               ago               and               that               should               be               obvious               to               anyone."
               *               *               *
               "I               was               to               direct               a               pop               video               for               one               of               their               songs,"               Quinn               voices               over               the               next               scene,               "We               were               having               breakfast               to               talk               about               how               it               should               look               and               how               the               band               should               come               across.

As               usual,               April               had               some               very               strong               opinions.

But               today,               the               twins               were               in               no               mood               to               be               managed."               

               The               diner               is               well               lit,               and               with               the               sun               shining               outside               and               ceiling               fans               whirring,               the               girls               eat               their               hash               browns               and               sip               their               orange               juice.

Lamb               has               a               pad               of               paper               in               front               of               her               ready               to               take               notes               but               doodles               instead.
               "We               want               [to               use]               a               song               that               we've               already               recorded,"               Lamb               tells               her               mother.
               "But               what               else               could               we               have               in               that?"               April               asks               diplomatically,               "Do               we               wanna               make               it               be               like               a               story               or               do               we               want               it               to               just               be               like               images               and               stuff               like               that,               while               the               music's               playing               in               the               background               or               where               we               cut               away               to               you               guys               playing               your               guitar               or               whatever.

The               problem               with               doing               [the               song]               'Your               Daddy'               is               that,               you               know,               we               really               should               have               like               pictures               of               a               little               girl               with               her               daddy               and               how               are               we               going               to               do               that?"
               "I               know,"               Lamb               says,               "But               nobody               takes               their               songs               literally,               like               in               their               videos."
               "Well,               some               videos               do               take               things               literally,"               April               says,               "You               can               actually,               I               mean               there               are               certain               concepts               --               "
               "But               that's               not               what               I               want               to               do,"               Lamb               says.
               "Yeah,               let's               forget               this,"               April               mutters,               getting               up               from               her               seat,               "I'm               not               gonna               sit               here               and               argue               with               you               on               camera."               She               proceeds               to               remove               her               microphone.

"Just               cut               this,"               she               says,               trying               to               remove               Lamb's               microphone.
               "Mom,               just               go               away,"               Lynx               says,               "If               you're               going               to               be               such               a               drama               queen."
               "I'm               not               gonna               sit               here               and               have               a               family               argument               on               camera."
               "We're               not               having               an               argument,"               Lamb               says,               baffled,               "What               are               you               doing?

Leave               me               alone.

I               just               said               [that]               I               don't               wanna               take               the               songs               literally               and               have               it               --               be               like               that."               April               has               successfully               removed               her               own               microphone               and               is               on               the               sidewalk               outside               the               diner.
               "Ok,"               Lamb               says,               obviously               flustered,               "There               she               goes,               I               don't               care."
               "What               would               you               say               Prussian               Blue's               image               is?"               Quinn               asks               after               April               leaves               the               diner               in               a               huff.
               "I               think               that               a               lot               of               people               think               that               we're               a               bunch               of               psychos,               to               tell               you               the               truth,"               Lamb               says,               "We               kind               of               just               wanna               take               a               break               for               a               little               while.

We're               not               always               going               to               be               doing               this               for               the               rest               of               our               lives.

I'll               always               play               my               guitar               and               I'll               always               write               songs,               [but]               we're               not               going               to               be               [playing               as               Prussian               Blue]               our               whole               lives.

We               have               other               dreams               and               other               goals               other               than               this."
               Lamb               goes               outside               to               urge               April               to               come               back               in.

"Can               you               come               inside?"               Lamb               asks               her               mom,               "Your               stuff               is               getting               cold,               they're               paying               for               it               and               it's               rude.


Can               you               come               inside?"
               April               and               Lamb               enter               the               diner,               but               April               is               cold               and               purposely               chooses               a               chair               further               away               from               her               daughters.

And               she               refuses               to               look               at               anyone.

               "Do               we               have               to               do               a               video?"               Lamb               asks               her               mother,               "Doing               a               whole               other               video               is               a               lot               of               work.

I               don't               have               any               ideas."               
               April               again               leaves               the               diner.

The               girls               follow               her.

               "It's               like               the               epitome               of               the               worst               time               ever               to               film,"               Lamb               says,               wiping               tears               from               her               eyes,               "I               really               wish               that               we               didn't               do               this.


               *               *               *               

               It               is               nighttime               in               Fresno               as               Lamb,               Lynx               and               April               enter               the               bar.

Quinn               says               that               April               and               the               girls,               "               --               had               agreed               to               try               out               new               material               at               a               bar."               Lamb               has               her               acoustic               guitar               slung               over               her               shoulder               and               it               rests               on               her               back.

The               girls               sit               on               the               tall               barstools               and               play               a               few               songs               for               the               patrons.

The               teenage               girls               are               applauded,               and               their               faces               beam               at               the               acceptance.

They               take               a               break               and               spin               around               on               their               stools               as               their               mother               proceeds               to               chat               up               the               bar               patrons               and               hand               out               copies               of               the               girls'               CDs.

The               conversations               naturally               turn               to               politics               and               April               slowly,               but               surely,               starts               voicing               her               beliefs.
               The               owner               of               the               bar               seems               to               come               out               of               nowhere               and               approaches               April               saying,               "You               need               to               stop,               because               I               don't               know               what               it's               all               about.

Nothing               against               your               girls,               but               I               will               not               support               anything               that               has               to               do               with               White               Supremacy               --               "               
               "Can               I               explain               something               to               you?"               April               says               kindly               but               firmly,               "We're               not               White               Supremacists."               
               "Ok,               then               what               are               you               about?"               the               owner               asks,               standing               in               front               of               the               camera,               blocking               our               view.

               "We're               Separatists               and               we're               White               Pride,"               April               explains.

               "Out,"               the               owner               says,               motioning               toward               the               door.

               "It's               not               ok               to               be               White               Pride?"               April               challenges               the               owner.

               "Not               in               this               bar,"               the               owner               retorts,               "[In]               Here,               everyone               is               equal.

               Outside               the               bar,               April               is               seething.

"People               are               completely               intolerant.

They               will               not               allow               white               people               to               be               proud               of               who               they               are."               The               girls               seemed               to               have               a               physical               reaction               to               their               mother's               outburst.

Lamb               starts               waving               her               arms               in               front               of               her               as               if               to               say,               "Mom,               stop               it,               let's               get               out               of               here"               while               Lynx               simply               says,               "Mom,               just               shut               up."               Sensing               the               tension,               and               wanting               to               ease               her               mother's               anger,               Lamb               says               cheerfully,               and               without               a               trace               of               irony               or               sarcasm,               "Well,               we               had               fun               while               it               lasted!"
               "They               [Quinn               and               the               film               crew]               set               us               up               to               have               the               girls               perform               at               a               place               in               Fresno               that               had               an               open               mic               night,"               April               says               of               this               situation,               "I               asked               him               if               they               had               told               them               who               we               were               and               he               said               he               had               but               they               were               'cool               with               it'.

I               got               lost               and               called               the               place               for               directions,               Club               Fred,               only               to               hear               a               message               on               their               answering               machine               about               how               they               were               going               to               'not               let               the               girls               perform               and               give               the               Nazis               a               welcome               they               wouldn't               soon               forget'...

those               asshole               film               guys               were               going               to               let               us               be               attacked               and               catch               it               all               on               film!!!
               So               instead               we               went               to               another               place               where               Lamb               and               Lynx               played.

Everything               was               great               until               'someone'               decided               to               get               the               bartender               all               riled               up               and               as               we               were               leaving               she               threw               a               fit               about               how               she               didn't               want               racists               in               the               bar.

We               were               already               going               out               the               door               so               I               told               her               to               not               get               her               panties               in               a               bunch.

She               called               the               police               and               the               local               media               and               made               a               huge               issue               out               of               it,               even               though               the               song               the               girls               performed               was               a               friggin               Bob               Dylan               song!!!

It               was               all               over               the               local               news.

I               asked               James               to               make               sure               that               he               mentioned               that               the               bar               open               mic               was               ALL               HIS               IDEA               since               I               don't               have               my               kids               perform               at               things               like               that               normally,               we               just               did               it               for               the               camera.

He               said               he               would               make               that               clear               but               I               highly               doubt[ed]               it."
               Outside               the               bar,               Quinn               talks               one-on-one               with               April.

"The               media               is               so               biased,"               April               says,               "against...White               Nationalists               --               that               they               have               maligned               us               so               badly               that               even               rednecks               in               a               bar               are               scared               shitless               [to               be               proud               of               their               race].

They               [the               media]               have               completely               castrated               the               white               race               --               they've               got               everybody               so               damn               afraid               to               say               anything,               and               there's               only               a               few               people               that               have               the               guts               to               stand               up               and               do               anything.
               I'll               be               real               honest               James,"               April               begins               to               show               some               vulnerability               and               emotion               other               than               anger,               "I               want               to               trust               you,               but               there's               a               really               big               part               of               me               that               thinks               that               you               [were]               just               waiting               for               us               to               show               up               so               that               they               could               come               out               and               scream               at               my               little               girls,               and               hurt               my               little               girls.

I               don't               want               to               think               that               of               you,               but               that's               what               I               think."
               This               seems               to               be               when               the               custody               battle               started,               or               at               least               when               it               was               in               its               most               brutal               stages.

But               with               the               court's               blessing,               April               moved               with               her               husband               and               daughters               to               Kalispell,               Montana.

Quinn               didn't               have               any               contact               with               them               for               the               next               six               months.
               Eventually,               April               invites               the               film               crew               to               their               new               home               in               Montana.

It               is               in               the               middle               of               winter               with               snow               piled               high               on               the               ground.

In               contrast               to               Bakersfield,               where               you               could               see               people               milling               around               outside               at               all               hours               of               the               day,               winter               in               Kalispell               is               a               different               story.

No               one               goes               outside               unless               they               are               wearing               layers               and               layers               of               warm               clothing.

Their               neighborhood               is               quiet               and               almost               void               of               any               outside               activity.

Trucks               have               plows               attached               to               the               front               bumpers               and               the               pine               trees               that               are               so               prevalent               have               their               branches               weighed               down               with               snow.
               For               April,               and               other               White               Nationalists,               Kalispell               is               certainly               "white               enough"               for               them.

According               to               the               2000               census,               the               population               of               Kalispell               was               14,223.

The               percentage               of               people               identifying               themselves               as               white               living               in               Kalispell               was               95.84%.

There               are               actually               a               few               movements               within               American               WN               circles               urging               white               people               to               move               to               the               Pacific               Northwest               region               of               the               U.S.

One               of               the               most               radical               organizations               for               this               is               led               by               Harold               Covington.

On               the               front               page               of               his               website,               it               says               "The               Northwest               Front               is               a               political               organization               of               Aryan               men               and               women               who               recognize               that               an               independent               and               sovereign               White               nation               in               the               Pacific               Northwest               is               the               only               possibility               for               the               survival               of               the               White               race               on               this               continent."               He               also               hosts               a               radio               show               that               can               be               heard               online.

He               has               even               written               up               a               Constitution.

Another               organization               for               this               movement               is               Pioneer               Little               Europe,               or               P.L.E..

But               I               digress.


Kind               of.
               With               the               snow               outside,               and               a               swiss               braid               tied               in               her               dark               hair,               April               cooks               in               the               kitchen               like               a               good               Aryan               wife               and               explains               to               Quinn               what               has               been               going               on               since               they'd               last               been               in               touch.
               "We               didn't               move               up               here               and               plan               on               doing               any               activism,"               April               tells               him,               "Very               few               people,               except               very,               very               close               friends               even               knew               the               town               we               were               living               [in],               so               for               the               girl's               sake               I               feel               pretty               bad               for               them.

This               busy-body               gal               decided               to               print               up               flyers               that               say               'No               Hate               Here'               on               one               side               and               --               a               bunch               of               misquoted               information               on               the               other,               and               they               went               door               to               door               handing               out               these               flyers               'warning'               the               neighbors               about               me.

We've               had               quite               a               few               death               threats               --               "               
               "You've               had               death               threats               to               you               from               people               in               Kalispell?"               Quinn               asks.

               "Yeah,"               April               says,               "To               be               really               honest,               it's               kind               of               like               somebody               has               pinned               a               great               big,               huge               medal               on               me               by               having               them               attack               me.

It               means               that               I               must               be               doing               something               effective               and               obviously               I               must               be               doing               something               right."               
               Quinn               wonders               if               the               girls               got               their               way               about               taking               a               break               from               Prussian               Blue.

But               April               takes               him               down               to               the               basement               (sounds               ominous,               I               know)               and               shows               him               new               Prussian               Blue               merchandise               that               they've               been               selling;               t-shirts,               mouse               pads               etc.

April               has               also               started               hosting               her               own               Internet               show               on               Stormfront               Radio.

The               basement               looks               like               its               own               White               Pride               den.
               Lamb               and               Lynx               seem               to               be               fitting               in               well               at               their               new               school               and               have               made               friends.

A               couple               of               these               friends               are               over               when               Quinn               sits               down               to               talk               with               them.

Lynx               is               slumped               down               in               the               seat               of               the               couch               while               the               television               plays               in               front               of               them.

It               is               a               normal               display               of               teenage               girl-dom:               talking               and               giggling,               the               comfort               they               feel               being               with               each               other.

And               it               seems               like               the               girls               more               than               ever               now,               just               want               to               be               normal.
               "There               are               some               songs               we               wish               we               didn't               sing               cuz               now               we               disagree               with               it,"               Lynx               tells               Quinn,               "...concerts               that               we               wish               we               never               went               to               because               [of]               the               reputation               it               gives.

But               you               know,               people               change               what               they               view.

I               wouldn't               even               consider               myself               a               White               Nationalist.

Like,               maybe               my               mom               [is],               but               I               think               I'm               like               below               that               and               not               even               as               extreme               anymore."
               "This               whole               issue               has               kind               of               made               me               smarter               about               stuff,"               Lamb               adds,               "You               just               have               to               think               about               stuff               before               you               say               it               and               before               you               do               it."
               "It's               kind               of               funny,"               Lynx               adds,               "Like               for               Martin               Luther               King               Day               in               World               History,               we               did               a               thing               about               how               the               white               man               was               beating               up               the               black               man,               and               I               felt               guilty               for               some               reason               because               of               all               the               things               that               people               have               accused               me               of               --               of               hating               black               people               or               of               worshiping               Hitler.

I               feel,               like,               guilty               for               something               that               I               haven't               even               done."
               April               says               of               this               scene,
               "This               asshole               tried               to               accuse               my               kids               of               horrendous               things               in               front               of               their               school               friends               after               promising               not               to               deal               with               politics               when               the               other               kids               were               around,               then               putting               them               on               the               spot.

They               girls               were               not               in               the               mood               to               explain               all               our               beliefs               and               argue               them               right               then,               they               just               wanted               to               show               they               aren't               hateful.

I               felt               the               girls               could               handle               the               situation               and               didn't               realize               that               they               [the               producers]               would               be               so               devious."
               April               moves               her               family               into               a               remote               cabin               in               the               woods               outside               of               Kalispell               for               a               short               time               to               escape               the               scrutiny               from               the               residents.**               Quinn               decides               to               confront               April               about               what               he's               seen               while               filming               the               family;               the               reluctance               Lamb               and               Lynx               seem               to               be               having               about               the               White               Pride               views               they               have               been               brought               up               with.

Coupled               with               the               freezing               cold               winter               night               in               Montana               and               the               isolated               cabin,               the               fire               April               has               started               is               the               only               light               available               outside               while               Quinn               and               April               talk.

Dresden               is               outside               with               them,               sitting               on               a               log,               bundled               up               tightly               in               her               winter               coat,               gloves               and               hat.

Quinn               proceeds               carefully:               "I               think               that               you               should               be               proud               of               the               fact               that               your               girls               adore               you               and               I               think               that               it's               a               remarkable               thing               that               you               believe               in               something               as               strongly               as               you               do.

But               I               also               think               that               that               situation               in               Kalispell               with               death               threats               --               "               
               "But               I               did               not               create               that               situation!"               April               exclaims,               "I               moved               [to               Kalispell]               so               the               girls               could               live               as               normally               as               possible."               
               "I               understand               how               you               feel               about               that,"               Quinn               says,               "Isn't               the               point,               though,               that               it's               all               just               avoidable?

You're               just               making               yourself               unhappy."               
               "No,               you               know               what               would               make               me               unhappy?

[It]               would               be               to               keep               my               mouth               shut               when               --               what               I               consider               to               be               evil               and               deviant               and               unnatural               things               are               going               on.

That's               what               would               be               painful               and               make               me               unhappy."               
               "I               wouldn't               have               said               that               Lamb               and               Lynx               believe               in               the               principles               of               White               Nationalism,               I               just               don't               get               that               sense               from               them.

If               they               said,               'Would               you               give               it               up               for               us?',               you               would               say               --               what?

Because               both               are               a               big               priority,               and               they               seem               to               me               to               conflict,               but               you're               saying               they're               not."               
               "They're               the               same               thing."               
               "It               seems               to               me               that               they               do               come               into               conflict,               so               what               I'm               saying               to               you               is               --               if               you               had               to               choose,               which               would               you               choose?"               
               After               a               brief               pause,               April               says,               "They're               not               in               conflict."
               April               says               of               this               scene,
               "On               the               last               night               we               filmed,               James               did               a               Jekyl/Hyde               thing.

He               had               me               outside               by               the               fire               sitting               on               a               tree               stump               and               kept               trying               to               get               me               to               tell               him               'where               I               saw               the               band               going               in               the               next               few               years.'               I               KNEW               he               was               trying               to               imply               that               I               made               the               band               and               controlled               it               so               I               just               kept               saying,               'Ask               the               girls,               they               are               the               band               I               am               not...'               He               would               rephrase               it               and               I               would               say               the               same               thing               over               again.

He               got               so               irate               at               one               point               I               thought               he               was               going               to               hit               me               with               a               log.

He               got               up               in               my               face               and               was               literally               spitting               at               me               he               was               so               mad.

He               walked               off               and               cooled               down               and               then               came               back               for               more               this               time               saying               that               I               hoped               the               girls               would               be               killed               so               that               they               could               be               martyrs               for               the               cause,               at               that               point               I               got               up               and               went               inside."
               "You're               such               a               self-hating               white               person!"               April               yells               at               Quinn               the               next               morning               when               he               and               the               crew               arrive               to               film,               "You               suffer               from               white               guilt.

               The               girls               are               sitting               in               the               living               room.

They               are               quiet.

Quinn               was               right               on               the               money               when               he               compared               the               girl's               lives               to               a               "tightrope"               that               they               must               constantly               walk.

April               said               the               reason               the               girls               looked               so               upset               during               this               part               of               the               documentary               was               because,
               "               --               the               girls               had               to               skip               an               important               swim               meet               for               their               team.

They               were               upset               about               letting               their               team               down               and               depressed               and               annoyed               about               it.

James               kept               trying               to               get               them               to               talk               about               it               on               camera,               'You               are               annoyed               about               being               here'               etc               with               the               camera               in               their               faces               to               try               to               get               them               to               say               something               negative               so               that               he               could               misrepresent               the               girls               being               angry               about               something               else.

That               is               the               kind               of               crap               he               did."
               "What               happened               last               night?"               Quinn               asks               April,               "From               me               saying               good               night               to               you               to               this               morning?"               
               "I               don't               want               it               to               seem               like               my               mom's               forcing               my               sister               and               I               to               do               stuff,               because               that's               not               the               way               it               is,"               Lynx               speaks               up.

               "Well               fine,"               Quinn               says,               "But               it               strikes               me               that               it               is."               
               "It               strikes               me,               James,"               April               mocks               his               British               accent               (badly),               "That               you're               very               manipulative."               
               "I               can't               believe               that               you               would               say               that               to               me,"               he               tells               her.

               He               asks               that               if               all               that               they're               about               is               being               proud               of               their               race,               then               why               bring               up               Hitler?

               "We               don't               care               about               Hitler,"               Lynx               snaps.

               "We               wore               those               t-shirts               because               we               thought               they               were               a               joke!"               Lamb               suddenly               exclaims,               "And               yeah,               they               offended               people               but               --               have               you               seen               us               wear               them               anywhere               else?


We               haven't               worn               them!"               
               Lamb               is               of               course               talking               about               the               Hitler               smiley               face               t-shirts               her               and               Lynx               were               photographed               wearing.

               "We               threw               them               away,"               Lynx               adds.

               "Well,               actually               we               didn't               throw               them               away,"               April               says               after               a               brief               pause.

               "We               threw               them               away,               mom.

They               were               thrown               away."
               "The               next               morning               the               girls               and               I               confronted               him               about               it               after               we               talked               together               about               how               he               was               putting               words               in               our               mouth               and               that               is               when               he               ran               and               got               his               camera,               blocking               the               door               to               the               cabin               so               we               couldn't               leave               and               screamed               at               us               bloody               murder               for               wanting               to               leave.

It               was               like               he               knew               that               it               was               over               and               he               was               trying               to               milk               it               for               whatever               he               could.

We               got               in               our               jeep               and               left               him               and               Patrick               the               cameraman               standing               in               the               snow."
               April               continues:
               "James               spent               literally               every               second               he               got               alone               with               the               girls,               say               when               I               was               in               the               bathroom               or               paying               for               gas               etc,               trying               to               get               them               to               say               something               negative               about               ANYTHING               so               he               could               put               that               in               his               film.
               A               few               points               about               the               lies               told               in               just               this               ONE               particular               article               and               how               the               suckpoop               producer               totally               misrepresented               what               happened.
               Okay               just               a               few               of               the               lies               are:

HE               was               the               one               trying               to               get               us               to               agree               to               make               a               music               video               and               WE               said               no               we               work               with               Murrey               Media,               we               won't               make               a               video               with               you.

The               girls               NEVER               claimed               to               be               Nazis               and               neither               did               I               claim               they               were.

If               I               was               so               controlling               how               come               I               allowed               them               to               interview               the               girls               without               being               present?

My               mom               has               beginning               stages               of               Alzheimer's               and               some               serious               mental               problems               which               we               spoke               about               before               filming               and               they               agreed               not               to               interview               her,               but               then               snuck               around               later               when               we               were               not               home,               came               into               the               house,               accused               her               of               being               a               Nazi               and               she               freaked               out,               trying               to               defend               herself.

A               few               years               ago               she               told               some               TV               people               that               she               was               dying               of               cancer               and               had               months               to               live.

Most               of               her               claims               are               the               rantings               of               a               scared               old               lady,               shame               on               them.

Here's               a               REALLY               HUGE               lie.

The               girls               NEVER               wrote               a               song               about               the               Holocaust,               ever.

Where               do               they               get               off               saying               that               the               girls               wrote               songs               about               the               Holocaust??

I               said               over               and               over               when               asked               about               the               girl's               future               in               music               that               it               was               'up               to               them,               ask               them'.

He               asked               me               if               I               would               mind               the               girls               not               being               political               and               I               said,               'as               long               as               they               are               not               race               traitors               I               don't               mind               what               they               do,               I               realize               politics               are               not               for               everyone'.

I               stated               that               we               moved               to               Montana               to               be               out               of               the               media               spotlight,               not               to               try               to               push               their               career,               they               could               do               that               when               they               are               older               if               they               like.

How               convenient               that               he               left               that               part               out               of               the               interview."
               Mark               Harrington,               the               twins'               step-father               and               biological               father               of               their               baby               sister               Dresden,               has               never               been               shown               on               film               and               his               existence               was               never               discussed               in               Quinn's               documentary.

April               told               Louis               Theroux               during               his               film               that               even               though               Mark               shared               the               same               beliefs               as               her,               he               did               not               want               to               be               filmed               because               he               was               concerned               about               losing               his               job               as               an               educator               over               their               controversial               politics.

Mark               also               chimed               in               with               his               opinion               of               the               filming               of               "Nazi               Pop               Twins"               saying:
               "Lamb               and               Lynx               decided               to               do               this               documentary               (yes,               you               read               that               correctly:               Lamb               and               Lynx,               and               only               Lamb               and               Lynx               had               the               final               say               in               appearing               in               this               documentary)               because               they               believed               it               might               help               some               kids,               like               their               young               friends,               to               see               who               we               really               are               and               to               look               beneath               the               surface               of               the               ugliness               of               what               those               same               white               kids               are               being               told               they               are               -               both               individually               and               collectively               (by               government,               schools,               and               media)               -               to               see               the               possibility               of               each               of               us               being               more.

To               their               credit,               they               have               learned               a               different               calculus               than               Paris               Hilton               and               Angelina               Jolie.
               Though               the               girls               have               denounced               the               'cult               of               Hitler               worship'               countless               times               in               print               and               have               made               every               effort               to               place               admiration               for               the               past               in               proper               historical               context,               the               ruse               is               played               out               void               of               any               qualification               again               because               'the               boogey               man'               still               scares               people               (though               we               may               yet               have               our               Wizard               of               Oz               moment).

And               that's               the               bottom               line               for               these               'artistes'.

James               was               more               interested               in               a               'gotcha               moment'               than               he               was               in               telling               a               story               (too               bad               he               didn't               help               create               a               real               gotcha               moment,               unmasking               a               media               boss).
               He               set               up               situations               where               the               girls               and               April               could               have               easily               been               killed               because               he               wanted               'conflict'.

Did               he               have               no               moral               reservations               about               getting               people               seriously               injured               or               killed               so               he               could               get               a               'good               shot'?

We               prevented               those               situations               from               turning               ugly,               not               the               'professionals.'
               The               girls               are               not               interested               in               multiculturalism.

They               had               the               choice               to               live               in               a               very               multicultural               environment               and               rejected               it.

They               had               the               opportunity               to               earn               a               substantial               amount               of               money               by               rejecting               everything               they               knew               to               be               true               in               pursuit               of               a               'mainstream'               career.

They               are               pursuing               the               only               cause               that               is               worth               fighting               for               in               this               world               and               they               deserve               our               respect               and               admiration."
               April               continues,
               "I               believe               that               all               children               who               are               worth               their               salt               question               what               they               are               taught               by               their               parents,               their               schools               and               their               government               and               they               use               their               own               personal               experiences               to               shape               their               own               belief               system.

If               my               children               just               repeated               everything               I               believe,               hook               line               and               sinker,               I               would               think               they               were               dull               and               simplistic               minded.

But               they               are               not,               and               whether               they               decide               to               become               activists               (which               is               what               they               mean               when               they               say               White               Nationalist)               or               just               proud               white               people               it               will               be               their               choice               in               the               end.
               Lamb               and               Lynx               have               experienced               more               scrutiny               than               most               politicians               running               for               high               office.

I               think               they               have               held               up               as               well               as               could               be               expected               considering               that               most               everything               they               have               said,               no               matter               how               innocent               or               reasonable               has               been               twisted               into               some               sinister               and               evil               thing               by               the               media.
               Lamb               and               Lynx               have               not               solidified               their               belief               system               or               their               ideology               yet.

They               are               only               15               years               old.

They               are               still               in               the               process               of               finding               out               'who               they               are'               so               to               speak               and               what               they               believe               to               be               true.

I               can               only               do               as               any               parent               does,               guide               my               children               to               the               truth               as               I               see               it               and               then               let               them               decide               for               themselves.
               Keep               in               mind               that               James               hammered               on               those               girls               for               hours               and               days               to               try               to               get               a               reaction               from               them               that               he               could               use               to               try               to               prove               his               point.

He               has               no               children               of               his               own               and               obviously               no               understanding               of               the               parent               child               bond,               hoping               that               he               could               somehow               CAUSE               a               rift               between               us.
               He               didn't.

We               are               looking               forward               to               our               trip               to               Europe               next               week."
               Prussian               Blue's               official               website,               prussianblue.net               has               been               defunct               for               a               few               years               now.

And               the               Prussian               Blue               blog,               which               is               run               and               updated               by               April,               had               its               last               entry               on               January               13,               2008.
               On               January               28,               2010               Alan               Colmes               had               April               on               his               radio               show               to               talk               to               her               about               her               attempt               to               start               a               White               Nationalist               Dating               Service;               a               place               where               White               Nationalists               can               go               to               find               other               proud               White               people               and               start               White               families.

(As               of               the               publication               of               this               article,               it               seems               that               folks               who               e-mailed               April               about               the               service               are               still               waiting               in               limbo               for               her               response               to               match               them               up.)               Colmes               asked               her               how               Lamb               and               Lynx               were               doing               and               if               they               were               still               singing.

April               responded,               "Well,               they're               in               high               school,               and               as               you               know               that's               a               pretty               busy               time               in               your               life.

[Lamb               and               Lynx               have               been]               doing               all               the               regular,               fun               kid               stuff.

We               live               right               next               to               a               ski               resort               and               they've               got               snowboards               --               "               
               "So               they're               not               'duo'-ing               anymore?"               Colmes               interrupted               her,               trying               to               get               an               answer               to               his               simple               question.

               "We               just               decided               that               it               would               probably               be               best               for               them               to               concentrate               on               doing               their               teenage               stuff               for               awhile,"               she               told               him.
               On               April               29,               2010               April,               her               husband               and               a               few               other               White               Separatists               in               the               Kalispell               area               sponsored               a               movie               at               the               local               library               that               debated               the               validity               of               the               Holocaust.

Many               protesters               turned               out               for               the               event.

Dan               Testa,               a               reporter               for               the               Flathead               Beacon               reported:               "               --               a               scuffle               broke               out               as               the               protesters               took               photos               of               some               of               the               people               entering               and               a               woman's               camera               was               broken.

Kalispell               Police               arrested               April               Gaede               and               Mark               Harrington               for               the               incident,               charging               them               both               with               assault               and               criminal               mischief,               misdemeanors,               and               led               them               out               of               the               library               in               handcuffs."               They               were               released               the               same               day,               it               appears.

April               says:
               "When               we               got               there               the               police               were               nowhere               to               be               seen               despite               the               fact               that               there               were               over               200               people               and               many               of               them               waving               those               homo               rainbow               flags.

They               had               the               stairs               covered               with               people               with               cameras               and               after               we               let               them               take               photos               they               continued               to               stick               them               in               our               faces,               two               cameras               got               broken               and               my               husband               and               I               got               arrested               --               that               is               okay,               it               was               a               small               price               to               pay               for               freedom               of               speech."
               I               have               a               feeling               the               public               might               never               know               what               Lamb               and               Lynx               decide               to               do               with               their               lives.

The               only               way               we'll               ever               truly               know               is               if               they               come               out               and               tell               us               themselves.

And               I               don't               think               they               want               to.

If               they               come               out               and               renounce               their               racism,               the               backlash               from               all               the               people               who               have               admired               them               and               stood               up               for               them               since               they               were               little               girls               will               be               rough.

If               they               come               out               and               say               they               still               believe               in               White               Nationalism,               then               they               will               no               longer               be               viewed               as               the               innocent               pawns               of               their               mother.

I               think               they'll               fade               into               obscurity,               have               their               own               families               and               leave               the               world               guessing.

Prussian               Blue               will               just               be               a               faded               memory,               a               bizarre               story               to               tell               their               grand-kids.

Hopefully,               whatever               happens,               Lamb               and               Lynx               will               be               able               to               have               a               relationship               with               their               mother               that               is               both               mutually               loving               and               respectful.
               If,               or               when,               they               ever               decide               to               come               and               join               reality,               they               will               have               people               waiting               to               support               them.

Today               their               new               journey               can               officially               and               legally               begin;               however               they               choose               to               live               it.

They               are               women               now.

And               they               are               lucky               to               have               each               other.
               **According               to               April               Gaede,               the               decision               to               stay               in               the               cabin               outside               of               Kalispell               was               not               her               idea.

It               was               the               idea               of               the               filmmakers.
               (1)               http://de.sevenload.com/videos/m7CO4dQ-nazi-twins
               (2)               Nazi               Pop               Twins
               (3)               GQ               article
               (4)               http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t404756-4/
               (5)               http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=212403614&blogId=323298523
               (6)               http://prussianbluefan.blogspot.com/2005_09_01_archive.html
               (7)               http://ezhay.com/archives/91
               (8)               http://www.mourningtheancient.com/pruss.htm
               (9)               http://www.spike.com/video/novacosm/2407732
               (10)               http://www.johnnyleeclary.com/images/GaedeTwins_Hitlershirt.jpg
               (11)               http://abcnews.go.com/Primetime/story?id=2340169&page=1
               (12)               Louis               and               the               Nazis
               (13)               http://www.museumstuff.com/learn/topics/Rudyard_Kipling::sub::Swastika_In_Old_Editions
               (14)               http://www.livevideo.com/video/3F792D87B66246F08989F5F8D58EA609/prussian-blue.aspx
               April               Gaede               on               the               Alan               Colmes               radio               show
               Sample               Lyrics               of               Songs               from               Prussian               Blue               Albums:
               Victory               Day:               (lyrics               and               music               by               Rahowa):               Well               sit               down               and               listen/to               what               I               have               to               say/There               soon               will               come               a               great               war,               a               bloody               but               holy               day/And               after               that               purging               our               people               will               be               free/and               sing               up               in               the               bright               skies/a               sun               for               all               to               see/You               are               my               brother               and               in               war               we               proudly               sing/Our               Cause               shall               never               tire/Our               gift               to               you               we               bring:               A               holy               creed               of               Racial               purpose/as               a               mighty               Race               to               defend/And               when               we               fly               our               holy               flag/Their               oppressive               reign               shall               end/And               the               women,               they'll               smile/on               Victory               Day/And               the               children,               they'll               laugh               and               they'll               sing               and               they'll               play/               And               the               forests               will               echo               our               grace/for               the               brand               new               dawn               of               our               Race
               The               Snow               Fell:               (lyrics               and               music               by               Skrewdriver):               He               sat               in               a               room/in               a               square               of               the               color               of               blood/He'd               rule               the               whole               world/if               there               was               a               way               that               he               could/He'd               sit               and               he'd               stare/at               the               minreds               on               top               of               the               towers/For               he               was               a               beast/as               he               hatched               his               new               plans               to               gain               power/And               the               snow               fell/covering               the               dreams               and               ideals/And               the               snow               fell/freezing               the               blood               and               the               wheels/And               the               snow               fell/they               had               to               keep               up               for               survival/And               the               snow               fell/defeating               the               beast's               only               rival.
               Lamb               Near               The               Lane:               (lyrics               by               David               Lane,               music               by               Prussian               Blue):               Endless               years               in               a               prison               cell/endless               years               in               a               living               hell/A               soldier               of               the               first,               with               a               tale               to               tell/Of               why               he               fought               to               save               his               own               kind/an               image               of               beauty,               he               sees               in               his               mind/Of               a               beautiful               maiden,               now               forced               to               the               fight/Because               too               many               white               men               choose               wrong               over               white.
               Sacrifice:               (lyrics               and               music               by               Prussian               Blue):               Rudolph               Hess,               a               man               of               Peace/He               wouldn't               give               up/he               wouldn't               cease/he               gave               his               loyalty               to               our               Cause/Remember               him               at               this               pause/Sacrifice,               they               gave               their               lives/All               those               men               who               died/Robert               Matthews               he               knew               the               Truth/He               knew               what               he               had               to               do/He               set               an               example               with               Courage               so               bold/We'll               never               let               that               fire               grow               cold.
               Your               Daddy:               (lyrics               and               music               by               Prussian               Blue):               Hey,               my               girl               will               you               listen?/Little               girl,               will               you               listen?/This               will               stay               with               you               your               whole               life/So               please               don't               take               for               granted,               please               don't               take               for               granted/Mine               was               never               there               for               me/Yours               is               always               there               you               see/There               is               a               great               past               you'll               find/I               try               to               leave               my               past               behind/But               it's               broken/It's               broken/So               please               don't               take               for               granted/please               don't               take               for               granted/Your               Daddy.
               I               Will               Bleed               for               You:               (lyrics               and               music               by               Ken               McLellan):               I               see               you               all               around               me/I               see               the               apathy               in               your               eyes/knowing               not               what               it               means               to               be               free/watching               as               the               White               flame               dies/It               means               nothing               to               you/Pride               is               an               unknown               trait/Tell               me               what               are               you               gonna               do/run               and               hide               or               face               the               hate/To               every               man               who               doesn't               dream,               I               am               the               Dreamer/To               every               man               who               doesn't               believe,               I'm               the               Believer/To               every               man               who               doesn't               Receive,               I'm               the               receiver/To               every               man               who               refuses               to               bleed,               I               will               bleed               for               you.

Image of video of twin towers attack

video of twin towers attack
video of twin towers attack

video of twin towers attack Image 1

video of twin towers attack
video of twin towers attack

video of twin towers attack Image 2

video of twin towers attack
video of twin towers attack

video of twin towers attack Image 3

video of twin towers attack
video of twin towers attack

video of twin towers attack Image 4

video of twin towers attack
video of twin towers attack

video of twin towers attack Image 5

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      ...Thank you, Leo! ;) hair In the video two firefighters attack on the twin towers. singhsa3 01-03 06:58 PM A freind of mine came across a...
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      .... www.apfn.org/apfn/tower.htm 19. Who will take part...the Rockefeller Center. See video of 'rockie' as a kid when...Dubai prior to the 9-11 attacks. www.newtopiamagazine.net...
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      This is either the worst video commemorating anything ever, or it’s a perfectly fine expression of a man’s feelings about an American tragedy.A good way to figure out which...
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